{ PART.  1 } - A dejected Christiano dragged his feet through the chapel narthex. Suddenly, he experienced a change in him which seemed physical in its strength. An inexplicable feeling as warm as a loving caress consumed his senses. He looked up, and his moistened eyes panned round the room for the source. A delayed image flashed through his mind. He retraced his gaze to the Virgin sculpture where he caught sight of what appeared to be a hand sprawled across the irregular, stone floor in the transept crossing. Father Franco? He sprinted towards the unconscious priest who lay on the ground, knelt by his side and vigorously shook his body. He called into his ear. Father Franco! There was no response. Help in here! he shouted as he placed his index and middle fingers on the Father's carotid artery in searched of a pulse. There appeared to be no life in the old priest. He turned him on his back and made a compression to his chest, followed by a succession of fast and hard pushes, counting each one until he reached thirty. He stopped, put his palm on Father Cavallo's forehead, gentle tilted his head back and lifted his chin forward to open his airways.-------------------------------------------------------------

{ PART.  2 } - He put his ear close to the priest's mouth and checked for a waft of warm breath. To his dismay, nothing greeted his skin. He made another pleading whisper, Come on. Please. his wide eyes were suffused with panic. He pinched the old man's nostrils and puffed a second long breath into his mouth and watched his chest for movement. There was none. Help in here, he shouted before blowing a second breath into his mouth. He watched in nervous anticipation, and muttered, Come on. Come on, anxious for the influx of his breath to kick-start the old man's vital organs. He hollered for help again. His screeching echo reached all the way to the bell tower where his voice seemed to ricochet off the bell, causing a deep, solemn going that sounded like a mourning toll. Don't you give up, he said, performing thirty more compressions.Another puff... Come on! Come on! he followed with another breath and looked eagerly at the Father's rib cage... Wake up! Wake up! he screamed as he banged his fist on Father Cavallo's heart with almighty fury.                           ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  3 } - Suddenly, a spasm which seemed almost exaggerated lifted Father Cavallo's upper torso inches off the ground. He drew his breath in sharply. Relief made Christiano's heart heave in his chest, and he felt tears starting in his eyes. I thought I'd lost you, my friend. He affectionately cupped his cheeks. The Father's face glowed crimson. I. . . It. . . Or Lady. She spoke to me, he said with surprising vigour. Christiano's face remained blank. The old man jerked up into a sitting position and yelled, Did you hear what I said?... Our Lady spoke to me. It was like a choir of angels, their soothing voices vanquishing the crude foibles of human nature... Then she cried--a cascade tears that were like an angel's touch relieving me of all pain... The last thing I remember is my heart exploding with joy. Let me help you to your wheelchair, said Christiano. I can walk! he said, pushing Christiano's hands away. Now is not the time for independence, Father Franco, please allow me to help you to your seat. No... I mean I can really walk. All the pain has vanished. I can move. Look.                                                                                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { PART.  4 } - He shot to his feet and tap danced out of the transept crossing and into the chapel nave. Christiano's mouth dropped open. It's a miracle! shouted Father Cavallo. She told me that I had performed my duty and thanked me. Then she told me that I must return to the earthly realm as I am needed at Santa Maria. The doors to the chapel swung open, and a concerned Sister Celeste and Sister Carmina entered, followed by a swarm of inquisitive nuns. Father Cavallo ran towards them, his arms outstretched ready to embrace his sisters with exuberant jubilation. The nuns looked stunned, two of them fainted, and the rest made the sign of the cross while muttering prayers. He rushed out of the chapel like a galloping horse. I must tell the Abbess. IT WAS LATE AFTERNOON - when Christiano found himself, unwillingly, at the Abbess's door. He knocked, meekly. Enter! He opened the door and entered the office. Please sit down, Father Abbadelli. He took the seat opposite her and rubbed his tense brow. Abbess Rossini, it is not... Firstly, she interrupted, I want to thank you for saving our dear Father Franco. If you had not been there. . . She shook her head. I dread to think. Christiano nodded, modestly. Since knowing you I have thought of you as an honourable man, but my recent observations have forced me to see you in a different light.                                                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  5 } - Abbess Rossini please... She shut her eyes as if to hush him. He stopped mid-sentence. I know what I saw, Father, whether you realise it or not... Need I remind you of your priestly vows? He lowered his gaze in shame. I have decided not to report your conduct to Father Franco or Monsignor Basso. Instead, you will make a request to leave Santa Maria by the end of this week, so as not to arouse suspicion. You will simply tell everyone that since Father Franco's miraculous recovery, you have decided to pursue your studies. Is that clear? He nodded. As you wish. And you are to say nothing of this to Angelica. In fact, do not so much as look her way between now and the moment you leave the gates of Santa Maria, for good. A hard knock sounded at the door. Enter! A buoyant Father Cavallo entered. Father Franco! said the Abbess delighted. Back from the hospital full of mirth, I see. Indeed, the doctor said it was a miracle. If only he knew! He chuckled. I told him that some treatment with a chiropractor had worked well for me. He was miffed, but what could he say when the very truth was standing before him. I had a call from Monsignor Basso; he heard of your recovery and is coming for a visit tomorrow. Apparently, he is bringing a prestigious guest, and we are to prepare for an arrival fit for royalty.                                                                                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  { PART.  6 } - Fit for royalty, hey. His eyes brightened. Perhaps the Pope has heard of my miraculous recovery and is coming to see the miracle for himself, said Father Cavallo excitedly. I have no idea, but I have instructed Sister Immaculata to make her exquisite crostata di frutta. In that case, I must go and prepare, also. it has been a day of hospital visits, has it not? The Abbess's eyes widened. Ah. . . . Father Christiano, said Father Cavallo, his cheeks glowing, I'm sure the Monsignor will be happy to see how well you have settled in at Santa Maria. Christiano feigned a smile and rose from his seat. Will that be all, Abbess Rossini? Yes, thank you, Father Abbadelli. He nodded politely and left, reaching as far as the refectory when Father Cavallo caught up with him in the corridor. With all the fuss, I forgot to give you this. He handed him the envelope. While I was preparing for Mass this morning, I opened the Bible, and it fell out. Christiano examined the envelope. It seems someone had the gall to place it between the pages of the Holy Bible. I am most disturbed.                 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  7 } - Do you know who it's from? I have to admit, Father Franco, I do not. He tore the envelope open. Darkness engulfed his face as he read the note. Father Abbadelli, You will not hear from me again. I have set in motion the wheels that will expose Santa Maria as the unsavoury, unholy place it has become. The Abbess, like you, favours the sinful above the pious. She will pay for her clandestine actions and so will you. His holiness should laicise you both. It appears that it is up to me to right the wrong. Sister Anonymous. Is everything okay? asked Father Cavallo. Christiano's face contorted. Without uttering a word, he marched past him, towards the kitchen. As he reached the door, it opened. Sister Immaculata just managed to stop before a collision occurred. Father Abbadelli, what can I do for you? He waved the letter in her face. You tell me, Sister! His hostility was met with bewilderment. If you are looking for Angelica, she isn't here. know this, Sister. I am aware of who you are. If anything happens, it is you who will find herself exposed.       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  8 } - He stormed off. Sister Immaculata's face turned a violent shade of red. THE EVENING, CHRISTIANO FINISHED typing his letter and saved it to a memory stick before turning the light off and fidgeting for a comfortable position in his bed. Finally, he settled on top of the sheets. The fans offered a refreahing alternative to the ambient humidity. The streetlights outside his windows threw a haunting array of sinister shapes on the ceiling above his bed, creating shadow creatures that looked poised to devour him. He starred at them half-hypnotised, as he drifted to sleep.                                                                                                     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                           



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