{ PART.  } -  CHAPTER  EIGHT - The next morning, when Christiano arrived at Santa Maria, his first stop was the admin office, where he asked Sister Celeste if he could use the office computer and printer. After printing out three letters, he made his way to the Abbess's office, knocked on the door and waited for approval before entering. I brought you copy of my resignation letter. He placed it on her desk. I have a copy for Father Franco, and I will be giving the Monsignor his letter when he arrives today. He turned to leave. Father Abbadelli, please understand, this is for the... As she spoke, her voice she spoke, her voice trailed away, her eyes fixed down on her desk. He followed her gaze to a pile of letters by a newspaper called, ll Cospiratore. She picked up the paper and scrutinised the front cover before pressing the intercom button at her desk. Sister Celeste, did you drop the mail in my office this morning? Yes, Abbess Rossini. The reply echoed through the loudspeaker. Is anything wrong? Come to my office, please. With a mortified expression, she looked at Chrisiano. I'm sorry, this matter will have to wait. Is everything okay? he asked. The door opened, and Sister Celeste entered. Please Father Abbadelli of you will... The Abbess motioned to the door. He nodded politely and left for the chapel.       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { PART.  2 } - THE ORATORY WAS AS busy as a train station. A group of sisters knelt in prayer at the gate of the transept crossing while others sat in the pews behind. Father Cavallo was at the altar table preparing for mass. Christiano felt relieved that Angelica was nowhere to be seen. He walked to the altar table to offer his assistance. Ah, there you are. The Monsignor and his prestigious guest arrive at any moment and--Father's interrupted Sister Celeste, the Monsignor has arrived. And we are so very unprepared! said Father Cavallo as he made his way out of the chapel. An unenthused Christiano followed behind him. The Abbess was already at the door watching the Monsignor pull in and park his little blue Fiat limousine entered behind him and parked confidently in front of the entrance. The Monsignor, a man of small, slender stature with a wide stature with a wide grin, left his vehicle and stood at the door of the limousine.                                                                                             ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { PART.  3 } - He wore a black cassock with red trim cord and matching buttons, and a magenta fascia tied at his waist. A fair-haired chauffeur, whose athletic torso complemented his black suit, stepped out of the limousine and proceeded to open the back passenger door. A lofty, rotund man emerged, dressed in a black simar with a scarlet sash. His hair was a lustrous silver-grey; springing wildly from beneath his skullcap like an unkempt bush. Three others, dressed in civilian clothing, followed behind him: two men and a woman. They each carried two large black cases. A Cardinal! said Father Cavallo. With en entourage, said the Abbess. Christiano narrowed his eyes, wondering where he had seen the Cardinal before. The two men greeted each other, the Cardinal like a giant towering over an ant. The Monsignor gestured for him to proceed ahead, while his entourage followed behind them. When they reached the arched entrance, the Monsignor was the first to greet them. It is good to see you all. This is His Eminence, Casar Beltz: Perfect to the Miracles Commission. As you can see, he has brought with him a team of scientists who will be running various tests of our Venerable Mary. Your Eminence, said Father Cavallo. He genuflected and kissed the large oval ruby at the centre of the Cardinal's gold ring.                                                                             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  4 } - This is rather unexpected. He raised himself to standing. Yes, please forgive us, continued the Monsignor. Please do not be alarmed interjected a voice with a heavy German accent, Father Cavalio, is it? Yes, Your Eminence. The Cardinal proceeded to speak while Christiano and the Abbess genuflected and kissed his ring. It is the job of the Miracles Commission to investigate all claims of miracles through healing. Believe me, if it was the case of a weeping Madonna, for example, we would not be here; we leave that sort of thing to the locals. However, I am told that you were about to have a hip replacement. Am I correct? Indeed you are, Your Eminence. Then it seems that I am witness to a miracle! He smiled a twisted grain that made Father Cavallo uncomfortable. Christiano noticed. Your Eminence, he said, I believe I saw you on television. You were leaving the Vatican. Ah, yes. Unfortunately, there is no escaping publicity. Nowadays, even the Church needs, PR. He turned to Father Cavallo. Tell me, Father. Is the Monsignor's report absolutely accurate? Yes Your Eminence, you have my most trusted word. Father Christiano is my witness. Christiano nodded. It is true, Your Eminence. Then I believe you. Your Eminence, Monsignor, please, follow us to the chapel, said Father Cavallo.                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { PART.  5 } - Do you reside at the Holy See, Your Eminence? asked the Abbess as they walked. Not exactly. However, I do reside in Rome, in a humble home generously provided by the Vatican. The Monsignor  watched Father Cavallo fast and steady on his feet; not a limp in sight. Father Franco, he said, you speak the truth. The last time I saw you, you were in a hospital bed, and the doctor's prognosis was anything but promising. It is a miracle. I knew it would be a sight you would need to see with your own eyes, replied Father Cavallo with a broad grin. And you, Father Christiano, how are you settling in at Santa Maria? I have heard only good things. I could not have imagined a more fitting assignment. Unfortunately, I must request leave to continue my studies. Now that Father Cavallo is no longer retiring there is no need for my presence. He handed his resignation letter to the Monsignor. I'm sorry to hear that, Father, replied the Monsignor as he accepted the letter. And so am I, said Father Cavallo. I had hoped you would finish the year. They reached the chapel, and Father Cavallo pushed the doors open. A drift of peace as fluid as water washed over them. The guests sighed simultaneously, marvelling at the sight of the Virgin sculpture. She is indeed, quite magnificent announced the Cardinal. Sisters, the Abbess called out. The nuns stood in response and turned to face them, each one of them kneeling on one knee--their heads bowed. Thank you all for your continued devotion, but we ask that you leave the chapel, announced the Abbess.                                                       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {PART.  6 } - The nuns stood and walked in pairs down the nave, turning their eyes to the ground as they passed the Cardinal, until the chapel was empty. Without wasting a moment, the three scientists laid their cases down on the front pews and proceeded to put on white coasts and surgeon face masks. The woman unravelled a tool belt filled with instruments of various kinds, which made her look more like she was on an archaeological dig. She removed a sharp palette knife and a vial from one of the cases enter the transept crossing. Father Cavallo gasped. The Cardinal turned towards him. She has permission. Father Cavallo nodded, Of course, Your Eminence. He watched as she began scraping a small area of the sculpture and placing the peelings in the vial. One of the men had charge of a small handheld device that he was passing along the body of the sculpture. It's probably best to let them get on with their work. Meanwhile, I would love a tour of your wonderful convent, announced the Cardinal.                                                                       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART.  7 } - Of course, Your Eminence, said the Abbess. Please. She gestured with her hand and genuflected as he left the chapel. Father Cavallo took one last look at the scientists and shook his head as he left. A very tranquil place, said the Cardinal as he closed his eyes and immersed himself in the sonorous sounds of the birds in the cloister. He opened them. I hear the sisters make the best preserves for miles around. Is that so? Why yes, Your Eminence, said the monsignor. Perhaps the Abbess would be so kind as to give you a tour of the kitchens. I'll even manage a gift of any preserve kitchen, the door to the recreation room opened, and Angelica entered the corridor holding a basket filled with fresh herbs and vegetables. She stopped, surprised by the group before her. Christiano immediately averted his eyes. The Cardinal, however, seemed to falter. The blood seemed to drain from his face, and his eyes grew rigid with terror. He raised his hand to shield his vision as if a blinding light bore through him. Your Eminence? said the Monsignor. He stumbled turned and ran back towards the cloister where he collapsed to his knees by the cypress tree. Christiano was the first to reach him. He helped him to the bench. Are you okay, Your Eminence? Straining to catch a breath, and tears trickling from the corners of his eyes, he managed to nod between ponderous breaths. The others reached them, each wearing the semblance of concern.                                                                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  8 } - Whatever happened? asked the Monsignor. The Cardinal caught his breath, his plump face resembling an aubergine. My apologies to you all, but I must leave. I'm afraid that my health is not its best at present. I am sorry to hear that, Your Eminence, said the Monsignor. I will instruct your chauffeur to take you to the nearest hospital. I insist on a check-up before you make the journey back to Rome. I will go with you, and your chauffeur can return for your team later. That won't be necessary, replied the Cardinal. Please, Your Eminence. I insist. What would His Holiness think of me if I neglected to see you well before your journey home? Of course. You are correct, he replied. To the hospital it is. Come, Your Eminence, I will assist you to your car, said Christiano.                                           ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  9 } - He helped him up from the bench an supported the old man's weight as they made their way to his limousine, where he instructed the chauffeur to wait for the Monsignor. Inside the limousine, the Cardinal opened his briefcase and stared briefly at the front cover of II Cospiratore--a copy of the same newspaper that had arrived on the Abbess's desk that morning. He shut the lid just as the Monsignor entered the car.                                                                    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                         


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