[ CHAPTER  10 ] - Daylight streamed through the stained-glass windows, highlighting motes of dust that descended upon the congregation like bounty from heaven. Christiano faced his parishioners with open arms. May almighty God bless you. He made the sign of the cross and continued, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. An almighty Amen intoned through the chapel, creating a weightless serenity. He joined his hands together. The Mass is ended, go now in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God! responded the nuns in melodic harmony. Many remained genuflected in prayer, while others sat in quiet contemplation. Their movement was slow, as if reluctant to leave and attend to their daily chores, choosing instead to bask in the trail of sacrosanct bless invoked by the ceremonial prayers. Father Cavallo had insisted that Christiano should conduct morning mass, as he was leaving and it was to be a quiet withdrawal. Throughout the service, a disconcerted Chrristiano found his gaze bound to Angelica as if his eyes were drawn to a magnificent painting. The Abbess noticed, boring a hole through his skull the size of the moon. Angelica rose from her seat and made her way to a pew close by the confessional booth, where she lingered waiting for Christiano. He noticed her intention. But he was also aware of the Abbess's surveillance all the way from the narthex. He avoided her expectant stare. Instead, he entered the sacristy to remove his liturgiacl vestments.                                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  2 } - BACK AT THE CAR, Ricardo vigilantly eyed the shop door while Enzo skilfully puffed out smoke rings that drifted to the end of their life-span and dispersed into a grey cloud. A nun appeared at the shop window, flipped the closed sign and pulled the door open. That's our cue, said Enzo. He stamped his cigarette into the ashtray. You distract her while I find a way in. They entered the shop to find the nun brushing the top shelves with a long duster, displacing flecks of dust that now avidly circled the air in search of a new home. She paused and turned to them with a bright, welcoming smile. Ricardo approached her with a forced grin and a glint of uncertainty in his eyes as he scanned the shop for a topic of distraction. He spotted the jars of preserves that lined the shelves. Tell me, sister, ah... He looked at her name badge. Sister Clara! What a beautiful name... Enzo noticed a gap behind the till and managed to slip through unseen, into what looked like the shop's storeroom. He searched for a way out and soon spotted a little light filtering through the windowless room from a door slightly ajar. He poked his head through the gap to look upon a deserted kitchen. His mouth involuntarily salivated from the sweet medley of fruit preserves lingering in the air.                                                                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  3 } - He walked through wearing a humorous expression that suggested this was all too easy.                                                      BY THE NAME CHRISTIANO: emerged from the vestry, Angelica's seat was empty. He took a lingering blink and made a heavy sigh. Is everything all right? asked Father Cavallo. Yes, I am just a little tired today. A sleepless night? Or are you eager to resume your studies? Probably a bit of both. Would you like to join me in the refectory, where we can talk? We have so little time left. I would like that very much. They reached the corridor the same moment Enzo was leaving the preserve kitchen. Can I help you? asked a bemused Father Cavallo, unable to avoid a fixed gaze on the man scar. Ah yes, where's the latrine? I beg your pardon? Are you aware that this is a cloistered community of nuns? The Abbess was walking towards them. What's going on here? she demanded. Nothing, said Enzo. He gestured with his hands to calm the situation. I made a wrong turn, that's all. He spun himself round and re-entered the kitchen. I'll make sure he leaves, said Christiano, following behind him. The Abbess gave Father Cavallo a meaningful look. We must talk Father. I will call on Sister Celeste to join us. Christiano returned. I showed him... His voice trailed away. Mystified, he looked from one side of the abandoned corridor to the other. The door to the recreation room opened, and Angelica strolled out clutching her sketchpad and his gift to her chest. She nodded and smiled, by way of greeting, but Christiano's face was a mask of stone.                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   { PART.  4 } - He turned to leave. She reached her hand to his shoulder and gestured as if to ask, What's the matter? He pushed her hand away. I'm a priest. What do you think you're doing? Her eyes moistened, and her face expressed bewildered betrayal. He felt a glimmer of regret. Tomorrow is my last day at Santa Maria... It's for the best, he said, and then headed back to the chapel.                           THAT EVENING AS ANGELICA - lay wide awake in bed, the door to her room creaked open. Sister Celeste tiptoed towards her. The torch in her hand highlighted Angelica's face, forcing her to shield her eyes. The nun reached her bed and kneeled by her side, gently caressing her cheek. Sweet child, it is no longer safe for you here. Abbess Rossini has asked me to come for you. You must follow me to a place of safety, where she is waiting. Angelica made a sign as if to ask, What's happened? I will explain on our journey, replied Sister Celeste. Angelica rose out of bed and started to gather some things. There's no time for that. We must leave now, the sister whispered. As they walked with soft steps through the dusky corridors, Sister Celeste lit the way with her torch. They reached the preserve kitchen. We'll go out this way. It's safer. Angelica nodded and follower Sister Celeste through to the shop where the nun unlocked the door to Via Scala. They stepped onto the dimly lit street that flamed their path, like an orange-tinged tunnel encircled by a wall of blackness. A few feet away, parked on Di Santa Maria Viale, outside the front gates of the convent, Enzo and Ricardo were fast asleep.                                                                                                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  5 } - THE ABBESS AWOKE SUDDENLY - her eyes wide and frantic. Breathing heavily, she clutched at her chest and pushed her covers aside. Moments later, she stood in Angelica's empty quarters and noticed that her sheets were cold to the touch. Deeply distressed, she left the room and entered the bedroom next door, only to discover another. She looked round the lodgings. Sister Celeste? There was no reply. she made her way to the corridor. Sister Celeste! Angelica! Her voice carried itself down the desolate hallway and melted into oblivion. Angelica, where are you? Sister Celeste! A sudden panic pierced through her body like a scorched blade. Utterly distraught, she ran up and down the passageway. Her cries echoed through the abbey and stirred its inhabitants from their slumbers. Inquisitive nuns appeared at the doors of their dormitories in quick succession. Sister Carmina approached her. What has happened, Abbess Rossini? She grabbed her by the shoulders. Have you seen Angelica or Sister Celeste? Sister Carmina shook her head, wincing from the Abbess's tight grip. Has anyone seen them? the Abbess cried. The nuns gathered in the hallway where the chatter of anxious voices now dominated the corridors.                                                   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  6 } - What's going on? asked Father Cavallo as he came out of his room wearing nothing but shorts and a vest. He scratched his head and yawned. Father Cavallo, Angelica and sister Celeste are missing. Are you certain? Yes of course I am, she snapped. Abbess Rossini! Sister Immaculata ran towards her. The door to Via Scala is open! A bolt of fear shuddered through the Abbess's body. She clutched at her stomach. Oh my dear, blessed Lord, what has happened to them?... We must find them! Everyone, move, now! Father Cavallo went back to his room to dress, while the rest of the nuns made their way to Via Scala. The Abbess ran to her office, picked up the phone and dialled a number. The unexpected ring in the early hours of the morning woke Christiano with a startle. He fumbled for his mobile phone, finally location it. Pronto! Father Christiano! yelled the Abbess. He moved the phone away from his ear with a grimace. Abbess Rossini, what's the matter? It's Angelica. She's missing! Her howls were like electric currents speeding through the wires and shocking every cell in his body to full alert. He bounded out of bed. I'll be right there.                                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         


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