{ CHAPTER.  ELEVEN }  - [ PART.  1 ]                                            For the height of summer, it was an unusually hazy night with the starlight and moon-light eclipsed behind drifting clouds. While many of the sisters clustered in small, ordered groups outside the front gates of the convent, others paced up and down Via Scala searching in all directions. A few townsfolk in the immediate vicinity appeared at their windows staring curiously at the nuns parading the streets in the early hours of the morning--like women of the night. The Abbess stood at the center of Via Scala lost among the tightly woven buildings the defied age. She listened anxiously for sounds beyond the high-pitched whistle of mosquitoes, to hear the faint rabble of voices headed her way. Meanwhile, Christiano, dressed in grey track bottoms, white t-shirt and trainers, sprinted to the abbey. With his jaw clenched and his intense gaze fixed ahead, he bulldozed through the town. As he reached the piazza, Philippe, who was witness to the commotion outside Santa Maria, felt the wind breeze across his cheek as he ran by. Father! he called, but Christiano continued on, finally arriving at the convent, barely out of breath and his face aglow with perspiration. Sister Carmina spotted him and eyed him from head to toe.                                                                                ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  { { PART.  2 } - Oh Father Abbadelli, I hardly recognised you. Thank the Lord You are here. Angelica is missing and Sister Celeste. . . . Where's the Abbess? She is down by Via Scala--Father! interrupted Philippe, coming towards him. Chrstiano showed little tolerance as he approached. I have no time for this, Philippe. Please leave. I want to help. Tell me what is happening. Christiano turned away from him, irritated, and scanned his surroundings. A few of the towns-people had appeared at their doors, and some had ventured onto the street to offer their help--but two men stood out from the animated crowd. Christiano narrowed his eyes in vague familiarity. The men were leaning casually against the bonnet of a silver car, smoking cigarettes, and close enough to witness the events. They offered no assistance; their demeanour was menacing, as if waiting--just smugly waiting. The very sight of them gave Christiano an uncomfortable feeling of foreboding. The Abbess appeared from Via Scala and walked quickly towards them. A group of teenager saw them about twenty minutes ago headed for the beach, she announced in an amplified voice. Then she noticed the men. She slowed to a stop, as did her breath. A feeling of dread snaked its way around her lungs. Where they alone? asked Father Cavallo, who appeared by her side. She did not reply. Both she and Christiano were preoccupied with the men who were now entering their vehicle. The engine revved to life, and the car pulled away.                                                                        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  3 } - The man on the driver's side flashed a malevolent smirk as he tossed his cigarette out of the window, just missing the Abbess. The car continued on to Via Scala, passing through a gaggle of black habits which rhythmically parted and reunited in an undulation, down the sloping road until darkness swallowed it whole. This time Christiano saw the men close-up--the passenger's characteristic scar branded to his memory. The man from the corridor? he asked. I'm afraid it is said the Abbess, biting a quivering bottom lip, and I have just told them where she is. She held her hand to her mouth and swallowed the lump in her throat. Who? Angelica? We must hurry! she said as she drew a bunch of keys from her pocket and sniffed and wiped away her tears. Sister Immaculata, you are to remain here all call the police. Tell them they must get to the beach immediately as Angelica and Sister Celeste are in grave danger. Hurry! Go! The nun sprinted to the convent entrance. Abbess Rossini...? Please Father Christiano. There's no time to explain; we must go after them. I will wait for you here. She handed him the keys.                                                                                                    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  4 } - Christiano reached the little white Fiat and contorted himself to fit his tall, athletic body into the tiny vehicle. He wound down the widow, managing to negotiate a little more elbow room. Moments later, he reached Father Cavallo, who squeezed in the back, and the Abbess who entered the front passenger side. He released the handbrake and looked to the road ahead to find a defiant Philippe blockading their path--his hands splayed across the car's bonnet. Philippe! I will not tell you again. Go home. I want to come with you. I am meant to help. Philippe! Father, please! Christiano shut his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. He opened them with renewed patience and got out of the car. Seeing his cue, Philippe entered the vehicle with the enthusiasm of a schoolboy. Thank you, Father. You will see that I can be of great help. Christiano said nothing as he sat back in the driver's seat and looked to the Abbess for instruction.                                                                                      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  5 } - Follow Via Scala to the beach, she said. He slowly manoeuvred round the nuns and a few locals who had offered their assistance--all on a mission to find the two women--and left the last of them behind to continue on foot. The road ahead lay unobstructed by people, just vehicles parked haphazardly along the narrow, sinuois roads of the medieval town. Abbess Rossini, tell me what's happening? Why have you called the police? Who are those men? asked Christiano as he drove. The awkward silence was relieved by Father Cavallo. I would like to know why they are on their way to the beach, instead of safely tucked away in bed at Santa Maria. I thought they had been abducted, said the Abbess. Why are they out on foot, alone? After some intense thought, Christiano pulled the letter from his pocket. Abbess Rossini, there is something you should know He swallowed hard.                                                                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  6 } - There is a disgruntled nun at the covenant. She has been confessing to me. This is letter from her, left for me outside the confines of confession. As I left my room this evening, I felt compelled to bring it with me. He handed it to the Abbess, who now wore an astonished expression. She accepted it, with apprehension and a look so lost it was as if she had no idea what she held in her hands. The note in the Bible? asked Father Cavallo Yes. The Abbess pulled the envelope open and pored over the letter. A look of increasing incredulity washed over her face with each passing sentence. When she reached the end, her trembling hands flopped to her lap. She stared ahead in dismay, the distressing situation now doubled in complexity and severity. And you think Sister Celeste did this? He nodded. I'm afraid I do. At first, I thought it was Sister Immaculata, but now I see Sister Celeste set it up to look that way. But I had no idea that the victim of her derangement was Angelica. So she means to harm Angelica? She continued questioning, partly to herself, as if trying to understand how Sister Celeste's plunge into insanity had gone unnoticed. But why? I am sorry Abbess Rossini, but her confession is protected by the seal of the confessional. May I read the letter? asked Father Cavallo.                                                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  { PART.  7 } - Yes of course, she replied, snapping out of her stupor. She handed it to him. Father Cavallo studied the note with an intense furrow in his brow. This is insane. How did she manage to fool us all so well? Abbess Rossini, you must not blame yourself. The woman is clearly irrational, and frankly, cuckoo! At least now we know who's responsible for the newspaper article? asked Christiano, how long has this been taking place? asked the Abbess. As far as I know, since before my arrival.  SISTER CELETE AND ANGELICA - reache the crumbling stone wall that seprarated  the lengthy road of La Sfilata from the beach--a road that continued straight out of town. We'll wait here, she said. Angelica shivered with unease as a gentle breeze raised the goosebumps on her skin. With her back to the sister, she surveyed the deserted road and beyond, catching the flicker of red-golden flames on the far distant shore. Sister Celeste used Angelica's distraction to her advantage and surreptitiously picked up a large rock from the ground. She hid it behind her back. Take a seat on the wall. Abbess Rossini will be here shortly. Angelica turned to face her, her silhouette lit by the subtle, ambient hue of the streetlights.                                                                                            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  { PART.  8 } - She gestured with her hands as if asking, Where is she? She went to find somewhere safe for you to hide. She'll be here at any moment, to take you there herself. Perplexed, she sat down on the wall and rubbed her tried eyes. With a bitter scowl, Sister Celeste raised the rock above her head--about to thrust it down on Angelica's skull--when a speeding car with blinding head-lights screeched to a stop just inches from where they stood.                                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


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