{ CHAPTER.  TWELVE }  -  [ PART.  1 ]                                                                  

A brilliant white hue saturated the immediate surroundings. Angelica raised her head to see the sister's outline with the rock poised over her. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief as her predicament dawned on her. She sprung up from the wall and staggered back, immersing herself in the light. For what felt like aeons there was no movement, just the chill of dead air crackling like foot-steps on a frosted lake. The headlights switched off and the car doors swung open. The women could see nothing but dancing lights in front of their eyes. Angelica! chanted a mocking voice that raised the hairs on the nape of her neck. Two men left the car and came to a stop by Sister Celeste. Angelica could see two outlines haloed by the light still playing tricks on her, but the familiar, chilling voice had already forewarned her. Both men gradually came into focus. Her wide eyes shot from one to the other. It's time to come home, said Ricardo.        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  2 } - He watched her carefully as she surveyed her surroundings and noticed her linger for a moment longer on thee beach, which, in contrast to where they stood, was a nebulous wall of black. Don't--Before he could finish his sentence, she sprinted into action, hurdled over the wall and vanished into the void. Ricardo removed a gun frim his pocket and pointed it at Sister Celeste. Disappear! he said before the men gave chase. Sister Celeste strained to see into the denseness. She heard only the muffled sounds of whisper and the stumbles of two men blindly searching. Petrified to the spot, she hardly noticed Christiano screech to a stop behind the silver car. The Abbess bounded out of the vehicle and marched straight to her, her raging face heavily marked with betrayal. Where's Angelica? she demanded, moving in close to the nun's face.                ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ PART.  3 } - Sister Celeste recoiled. Her throat contracted so severely no words could flow. She slowly raised her hand and pointed a bony finger towards the beach. The Abbess gave her a scathing look before she stepped over the wall and came to  stop at the edge of the light, to face the darkness ahead. Abbess Rossini, stop! called Father Cavallo as he reached her side. We should wait for the police. As the whiff of salty sea air and rotting fish reached Christiano's nostrils, he heaved. Highly agitated, and doing his best not to vomit, he covered his nose as he rushed to join them. Philippe strolled out of the vehicle and made his way to Sister Celeste. Sister, he greeted, nodding his head. So observed him uninterestedly for a fleeting moment before returning her attention to the beach. Abbess Rossini, what is happening? asked Christiano as he came to a stop by her side. I will turn the car around to flood some light on the beach, said Father Cavallo. He made his way back to the Abbess's car. The Abbess grabbed Christiano's arm.                                                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  { PART.  4 } - She's in there all alone. We must help her. With a distraught look, she fled into the darkness. Abbess wait! called Christiano in pursuit. The others stared on eagerly. The sounds of the sea merged with the whispers and blunders. Moments later, a piercing shot sent a cacophonous ring through the sky. Sister Celeste, Philippe the sky. Sister Celeste, Philippe and Father Cavallo felt a shudder as cold as ice shoot up their spines, followed by a deathly silence where even the ocean waves seemed to still. The silence was shattered by blaring sirens which came to a stop at the wall and the sounds of nuns and townspeople pouring onto the beach. Enzo and Ricardo raced into the light. Ricardo waved his gun at the terrified onlookers. Everyone down shouted one of the officers. The police drew their guns and dived behind their vehicles. Chaos ensued. While some people ducked, others ran around screaming or remained frozen in terror, making it impossible for the police to fire their guns. Enzo and Ricardo escaped, speeding down La Sfilata and out of town. Father Cavallo's manoeuvre had unintentionally blocked the road, preventing the police from giving chase. As the car completed its turn, the light panned round to reveal the Abbess lying on the sand, clutching at her stomach. Kneeling by her side was Christiano.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  5 } - The nuns and townsfolk formed a semi-circle around them. Whimpers of harrowing disbelief haunted the air as Christiano glared down helplessly at the Abbess's blood-stained hands. She gasped for breath and tried to reach him--desperation on her face. Abbess, hold on, he said. He took hold of her hand. The ambulance will be here shortly. She gripped his fingers, weakly. Her mouth opened and made sounds as if trying to speak. He reached in closer. Promise me, she said, squeezing his hand. Yes, I promise. Anything for you.'ll get Angelica away from... Santa Maria, she gasped. She!...Believe...her! She fought for her last breath. Her wide, fearful eyes froze over as the sparkle that had once inhabited her body was evicted from its dwellings. Abbess Rossini! Christiano shook her limp body. screams and howls reverberated through the night and the darkness seemed to intensify and hang over them like the angel of death.                                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { PART.  6 } - Father Cavallo kneeled down by the Abbess, made the sign of the cross, whispered a prayer and gently closed her eyelids. Father down the beach, from behind a boulder, Angelica appeared. She walked slowly at first, her steps leaden as the dread rose through her body. She reached the small crowd where Christiano cradled the dead Abbess, dropped to her knees and convulsed with grief. Sister Celeste shook her head in disbelief. A hoarse whisper escaped her lips, What have I done? She stepped back, turned on her heels and fled into the night. Philippe, who was the only one to notice, chased after her. The mournful crowd kneeled by the Abbess in wails and whimpers. Angelica fell by her side and made small kisses in her cheeks. She cradled her face. There she remained, with muted sorrow.                                                                                                   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------     


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