[ CHAPTER.  15 ] - Steaming walnut-coloured liquid dripped from the spout into an espresso cup eagerly waiting to be filled with the intoxicating brew. Marcello drew. Marcello drew the delectable vapour into his nostrils where it circled his head with its invigorating scent. He placed the cup before Agostina who sat at the kitchen table staring into oblivion. He gently massaged her shoulders and planted a kiss on her cheek. Are you okay, Gosti? His caress awoke her from her mesmeric state. She batted her eyelids and platted his hand; an affectionate glint in her eyes that shone with relief. When you're around, I'm always okay. Christiano appeared at the door impeccably dressed in his priestly garbs. I'm off to Santa Maria to see if I can be of assistance to Father Cavallo. Okay, Father. I spoke to him this morning. He knows I intend to stay home with Agostina, today, said Marcello. He has arranged an early evening service. We will be there of course. Christiano nodded.                                                               ________________________________________________________ { PART.  2 } - I'm sorry that I do not have the words to help you deal with to help you deal with our loss at this time. I am just as shocked and grief-stricken as you are... We understand, Father. Your words will come, and Agostina. He nodded and shut the door behind him. The streets were warming up for another scorching day. It was as if the night's tragic events had never occurred. Christiano walked with pensive steps to the convent. It was the same familiar route he took every day, but today it felt different--empty somehow; devoid of a valuable life, and no one seemed to notice. He passed through the piazza where a sea of curious eyes was upon him. His feet pounder the pavement harder, faster. His gaze was fixed on the convent. He reached the gates, pressed the buzzer and the gates opened. As he walked through the forecourt, he saw, almost out of his field of vision, the Abbess's orphaned car. The sight of it made nauseous. Father Cavallo stood at the entrance. It is good to see you, my friend. You too my friend. They shook hands, leaned in and patted each other on the back before they made their way through the corridor. How is everyone? asked Christiano. A quiet morning. Most of our sisters are in the chapel. When is the burial service? Due to the circumstances of the death, the police are conducting an autopsy. Maybe in a week. You are staying a while longer, yes? I'm sorry, my friend, I think it best I leave. I will return for the funeral, of course. And I will stay for a couple of days to assist you. I'm disappointed. I hoped the incident would prompt a change of heart. They reached the Abbess's office, and Father Cavallo unlocked the door. He held it open for Christiano to enter. Let us talk for a moment before we join our sisters in prayer. If it were not for my concern for Angelica, I would be conducting a service. Where is Angelica? Father Cavallo took a seat in the Abbess's chair. She's in the chapel. I think she is safe at the moment. The shop is locked, and I doubt they will return so soon. Christiano flopped down on the chair and rubbed his eyes. What's on your mind? said Father Cavallo. The Abbess's dying words.                                                                                                   ________________________________________________________ { PART.  3 } - She spoke to you? Christiano nodded, about to reply when the phone rang. Excuse me, said Father Cavallo. Santa Maria L' adorata...Yes, officer. He listened intently. I implore you to keep searching...Her killers must be brought to justice...Yes, and that's all I ask of you. He placed the receiver down. It's worse than I thought. That was the officer at the scene. Ricardo and Enzo have solid alibis. No gun and no silver car have been found, and there are no silver cars registered to Don Primo, any of his men, their wives, or even their mistresses. With all the chaos nobody managed to get the number plate, including the police. Is Angelica's word not enough? I suspect Don Primo's influence spreads far and wide, which is why it's imperative she leave the convent as soon as possible. No one must know where she is, including the police. And I'm supposed to do that? said Christiano with a look of disbelief. I did not say that, my friend. What is bothering you? What did the Abbess say to you? Christiano lowered his gaze.                                                                 ________________________________________________________ { PART.  4 } - Did she tell you something about Angelica? In a way. She asked me to promise her that I would take Angelica away from Santa Maria. She said, She needs you! and pleaded for me to believe her. What I am supposed to believe, I have no idea. I see, said Father Cavallo, his face taking a sombre tone. You know something, don't you, about what I'm supposed to believe? You'd better take a look at this. Father Cavallo opened a drawer at the Abbess's desk, removed the newspaper and handed it to him. II Cospiratore. So now I'm to be trusted with this information. It seem she wanted you to know, yes. Take a look at the article towards the bottom of the page. Christiano did as instructed. The newspaper headline read: Mob Boss Mistress Pregnant with the Next Messiah.                                                         ________________________________________________________ { PART.  5 } - A stunned Christiano looked at Father Cavallo to meet with his sober expression. He continued reading. The mistress of a mob boos claims to be three months pregnant with the next Messiah. The woman swears she has not been with a man for over a year. The young woman has been in hiding from her mob boss boyfriend for thirteen months at the convent of Santa Maria L' adorata under the care of Abbess Francesca Rossini. She claims the Blessed Virgin Mary herself came to her in a vision and handed her a baby... By the time he reached the end, his olive-toned skin was masked in a sickly hue. Angelica? It's a lot to take in, I know. I... Ah... Must... He bounded up from his seat as if it was a mound of burning hot coal, his muttering barely audible. Father Christiano, are you okay? The trouble man said nothing. He hastened to the door and made a swift exit. Are you coming back? Yelled Father Cavallo. There was no reply. The phone rang. A baffled Father Cavallo picked up the receiver. Santa Maria L' ador... Monsignor Basso...Yes, of course...He is welcome...So close. We are honoured...Yes, see you in due course.                                                                                           _______________________________________________________ { PART.  6 } - His displeased expression revealed the opposite to his words. He grabbed the newspaper from the desk and placed it back in the drawer, tidied up a little and left the office. He made his way to the front gate. Just as he reached the door, the buzzer sounded. A tense Father Cavalo pressed the button and the gates opened. The Monsignor's blue Fiat entered, followed by the Cardinal's limousine. Welcome, Monsignor Basso. He shook the Monsignor's hand. And Your Eminence! He genuflected and kissed the Cardinal's ruby ring. Please, please, come in. We're sorry for your loss, Father Cavallo, said the Monsignor as he entered the hallway. Indeed, it is a tragic and senseless loss of a most esteemed woman, said the Cardinal. I met her only once, and her compssionate light was as bright as the stars. We must fine solace in the fact that she is by the side of our merciful Lord. Amen, said the Monsignor. Your Eminence, your words are truly heartfelt and wise. With his back to the men, Father Cavallo rolled his eyes before making an appropriate reply.               ________________________________________________________ { PART.  7 } - He turned to face them. Perhaps you would both do me the honor of speaking some of these comforting words to our sisters. They are inconsolable. Of course, let us speak first, and then we shall head to the chapel, replied the Monsignor. Thank you. Your generosity will remain with me for all time. They entered the Abbess's office, and each took a seat. The Monsignor spoke. His Eminence has asked me to accompany him as he gathers all the facts regarding this incident. It appears that there are many unanswered questions, and to be honest, all the facts seem to leave us with more questions. Like why the entire convent was on its to the beach? Who were they after? Who were the men? Why was the Abbess, and indeed, the convent involved in this incident at all? Monsignor, Your Eminence, I can see that our conduct seems a little incongruous, but I assure you we were merely protecting our own. The Cardinal remained silent. Who were you protecting? asked the monsignor. The old priest's cheeks glowed. Father Cavallo, we have known each other for far too many years. What are you hiding? monsignor, what can I say...? I'm in a difficult position. I must inform you that His Holiness has requested all the facts regarding this incident. His Eminence has come to oversee the matter personally. He was greatly distressed by what occurred.                                                                _______________________________________________________ { PART.  7 } - Is it necessary for us to interview every nun in the convent? The Cardinal interrupted, Father Cavallo, please be aware that His Holiness has given me the authority to conduct a thorough investigation. We shall leave no stone unturned. And His Holiness will not rule out suspension, interjected the Monsignor. Father Cavallo squirmed in his chair. I see. Well, it seems I have no choice in the matter. He paused for a moment before he spoke. Just over a year ago, the Abbess's sister brought a young woman to the convent for shelter. She was protecting the poor girl from her local mob boss who had taken an interest in he--Their names? Interrupted the Cardinal. The young woman in question is Angelica de Santis, and the mob boss is Don Primo Pulsoni. And the name of the Abbess's sister? asked the Cardinal. Fortuna. I only know her first name, replied Father Cavallo. The Cardinal made some notes on a small pad. Continue. Angelica was the granddaughter of a dear friend of Fortuna. The old woman had recently passed away.                              _______________________________________________________ { PART.  9 } - Orphaned as a child, Angelica had no one else. The Abbess did not want to leave her helpless, in the hands of this unsavoury man... So she took her in. Everything was going well until last night when Don Primo's men appeared. If she was so well protected in here, how did this happen? asked tthe Monsignor. It seems we had a disgruntled nun and--Your mean Sister Celeste? interrupted the Cardinal, fully aware of the answer. Father Cavallo nodded. Yes, she fooled us all. But how did you know? From this, he said, coldly placing an envelope on the desk. This is a letter from Sister Celeste accusing the Abbess of harbouring a prostitute. Obviously this Angelica woman. Well... How would she know to send it to you? asked Father Cavallo. It was sent to the Vaticn and passed to me. May I take a look at the note? asked Father Cavallo. No. But I will tell you that it reads like a suicide note. Has Sister Celeste taken her own life? Father Cavallo looked down down at his desk. So she is not here? He shook his head.                                       ________________________________________________________ { PART.  10 } - She is not. She disappeared last night, in all the chaos. I see. So we could be waiting for another dead body to appear. Your Eminence, please believe me that I... nobody had any idea... And is it true that Father Abbadelli has feelings for this... prostitute? continued the Monsignor. With respect, Angelica is no prostitute, and Father Christiano is an honest priest who takes his vows of celibacy very seriously. There is nothing even remotely romantic between Angelica and Father Christiano. Of that I am certain. Then why does Sister Celeste say there is? said the Cardinal. She was a disgruntled, distrubed woman who targeted Father Christiano with her insane accusations. Her perspective is hardly that of a well-balanced person. This unbalanced woman may have taken her own life, and nobody saw the signs, added the Monsignor. Now we have a dead Abbess and most likely a dead sister Celeste, and I hear disturbing news of one of my most promising priests being involved with a prostitute--a woman who should never have been here in the first place and who, I might add, is running from the mob. Does that about cover everything? This is an outrage! cried the Cardinal. This convent has run amok. His Holiness will be very troubled and displeased by this news.                                                                                                 _______________________________________________________ { PART.  11 } - This is a PR nightmare--I can assure you this a very well run convent, interrupted Father Cavallo. The Abbess, God rest her soul, was a unique woman with high moral and ethical standards. She was a deeply religious, compassionate woman, and highly disciplined--Of course, said the Monsignor, perhaps too compassionate. Father Cavallo, is there some vital piece of information that you are withholding? asked the Cardinal. No, I've told you everything. Oh really? So you are not deliberately hiding a newspaper article from us? Father Cavallo maintained his composure, despite the knot of dread wringing in his stomach. I... It's just the nonsensical words of Sister Celeste. Not worth a mention. Well it's just as well I have my own copy, replied the Cardinal. Did you really think I would not see the article for myself? I make ot my business to know everything that affects the Church and His Holiness . You withheld a crucial piece of information from us, which only proves you cannot be trusted.                                             _______________________________________________________{ PART.  12 } - It is a ludicrous, irrelevant piece of information Father Cavallo. Will somebody tell me what we're talking about? interrupted the Monsignor. Father Cavallo, would you like to explain? said the Cardinal. He shut is eyes in frustration, opened them seconds later, and began to speak. The girl, Angelica, claims to be pregnant with the next Messiah. What? A prostitute? Utterly preposterous and absolute blasphemy! cried the Monsignor. She has committed the ultimate sin against our Lord with such heinous lies. The unborn child is obviously the bastard spawn of this Don Primo? interjected the Cardinal I doubt that very much, replied Father Cavallo. Up until a few days ago he did not know where she was, and Angelica has ever left the convent since her arrival more than a year ago. She is three months pregnant. What about this Father Abbadelli? asked the Cardinal. No, I placed him here myself less than a moth ago, replied the Monsignor. And he left this morning, eager to resume his studies, Father Cavallo reported. Their eyes fell on him. A moment of silence spoke a thousand volumes. He returned an utterly disgusted glare--his face as red as fore. With all due respect, I find your accusatory stares an insult, and I will not stand for it. Father Cavallo, you are not being accused of anything.            _______________________________________________________  { PART.  13 } - I know you to be a very respectful priest with the highest moral standards, said the Monsignor. Well, she will be leaving soon, anyway. Don Primo will, no doubt, be back to claim his mistress. She is no longer safe here, said Father Cavallo. Maybe I can be of service, said the Cardinal. How so, your Eminence? Well, she is a Catholic woman, and if she's in danger from this Don Primo, I will arrange for her protection, until the child is born. It will enable us at the Vatican to investigate her claims further. An Immaculate Conception is not the jurisdiction of the Miracles Commission, said Father Cavallo. You mean an alleged immaculate Conception, surely? said the Monsignor. The Cardinal nodded. Yes, this is true, but I am offering the girl sanctuary, that is all. Something I have just been chastised for doing. Father Cavallo, I suggest you watch your tone. Had the Abbess made the appropriate request I would have helped. You have pointed out that the girl is no longer safe here. I am simply offering you an alternative.                                                      _______________________________________________________  { PART.  14 } - She will stay with the Miracles Commission under my supervision until the birth of the child. Then we will help her to find shelter and somewhere safe for them to live. Father Cavallo fidgeted in his chair. I have seen your scientific experts. Do you intend on running medical experiments on Angelica and the foetus? Of course not, Father Cavallo. We are not the inquisition, mocked the Cardinal. The Monsignor laughed. Father Cavallo did not. Where will you take her? he said. She will be hardly safe if I tell you that, said the Cardinal sardonically. I will have to speak with Angelica. It is her choice. Actually, this is my decision. She claims to be carrying the next Messiah. She is now the property of the Catholic Church. How so? The Cardinal leaned forward; a glowering look on his face. frankly, I am being courteous, but in truth, you have no say in this matter. Despite her claim, I merely request her presence. She can leave if she is unhappy with the arrangements. I just ask that she is open to what we can offer her. I know for a fact that Angelica will not accept your proposal. She is a head-strong woman. Father, understand that His Holiness is very disturbed by the incident and he is unaware of the full story. One word from me and... A menacing glare emanated from his pupils. I think I have made myself clear? When do you intend to take her? right away. That will not be possible. Father Cavallo! protested the Monsignor. The Abbess was like a grandmother to Angelica. She is utterly devastated and in no condition to leave today. Where is she now? asked the Cardinal.        _______________________________________________________  { PART.  15 } - In the infirmary, sleeping. She was vomiting all night. Sister Carmina, our nurse, says she must not be moved for at least two or three days. She fears for the unborn child's life. Do you wish to speak with the nurse? No, that won't be necessary. I will leave my chauffeur, Johan, here overnight. He will sleep in the car. Make sure she is ready in the morning. Your Eminence, I must protest, said Father Cavallo. The Cardinal raised his hand to hush him. She will endure a few hours of discomfort, after which she will have a team of the best medical experts all to herself. Have her ready in the morning. There was a knock at the door. Enter, said Father Cavallo. Sister Immaculata's eyes peered round the door, followed by an excuse me. Her face reddened with embarrassment and she retreated behind the door. Ah sister... If you'll excuse me. Father Cavallo rose from his seat and left the room, to face Sister Immaculata in the corridor alone. I'm so sorry for the interruption, Father. I just need to know if His Eminence and the Monsignor are staying for lunch. I want you to listen very carefully, Sister. You are to go and fetch Angelica from the chapel and take her, personally, to the infirmary. Tell Sister Carmina she is to stay with her. Tell Angelica to get into bed. Tell Sister Carmina to pull the surgical curtain around her. And, he said, gripping her arm, under no circumstance is she to leave, or so much as move until I inform her that it is safe to do so. Is that clear? Sister Immaculata gave him a frightened nod. What's happening, Father? I cannot speak of this now.                                                                                                        _______________________________________________________  { PART.  16 } - Just make sure you prepare a good meal for the Cardinal. Now go, hurry. In a few moments, they'll be in the chapel. Yes, Father, right away. He watched her run down the corridor, making sure she had a good head start before he entered the office. I have taken the liberty of letting our dear cook know that you will both be staying for lunch after our little service. We would be honoured replied the Cardinal.                                                              ______________________________________________________           


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