[ CHAPTER.  FOURTEEN ]  -  { PART.  1 }                                      The wails and whimpers had reduced to woeful sniffles and hushed tears as the business of police and medical procedures took priority. The Abbess lay on a stretcher; her skin cold to the touch. The medic pulled the body bag across her corpse with the indifference of plank of wood. As the stiff, plastic cover reached her face, calm in repose, Angelica saw the last of the woman she had grown to love and value like a grandmother. She looked on, helplessly, shuddering as the ambulance doors slammed shut. She buried her head in Father Cavallo's shoulder. Christiano, shocked and pallid, with his clothes drenched in the Abbess's blood, stood next to them using disinfectant wipes to erase the dried red mass caking his hands and arms. No matter how assiduously he wiped, he could not remove the crimson tint which seemed to stick to him like a second skin. A police officer eyed him from head to toe. Are you sure you don't need an ambulance? You don't look well. I think you should see a doctor. The medic gave me a thorough check. I'm fine. A little nauseous, that's all. Very well, he replied. I need to ask the three of you some question. Is the lady able to speak now? You mean Angelica? said Father Cavallo.                                                                                    _______________________________________________________ { PART.  2 } - Oh, she doesn't speak. She's mute. She will write the answers down. May we use your notepad? The officer nodded, turned to a clean page and handed his pad to Father Cavallo. Do any of you know who these men were? He asked. They work for the Pulsoni family in Tuscany, replied Father Cavallo. Their Boss is Don Primo Pulsoni. The police officer motioned to his partner for her notepad. Mafioso! How is it this young woman knows them? She, ah... was Don Primo's mistress. She was seeking refuge at Santa Maria under the guidance of our dearly departed Abbess. Christiano's body stiffened. I see, said the officer. Do you know their names? Angelica scribbled on the notepad, and Father Cavallo read her words aloud. Ricardo Cerri and Enzo Batteli. Do you know which one of them shot Abbess Rossini? I saw only one man carrying a gun, said Father Cavallo. He was the younger of the two. The other man was older and had a scar running down his cheek. He demonstrated the position of the scar on his own face. Angelica pointed to Ricardo Cerri's name. just to confirm, you are pointing to Ricardo Cerri's name as being the man with the gun? asked the officer. Angelica nodded. His colleague made a note on her pad. And yo? He looked at Christiano. You were the one holding her body.       _______________________________________________________ { PART.  3 } - Ah, this is Father Abbadelli, said Father Cavallo. He was asleep at home when the Abbess summoned him to help search for Angelica. Hence his civilian clothing. My apologies, Father. No offence taken, officer, said Christiano. I have no idea who the men were. I saw one of them earlier today; the man with scar, when he strolled into the convent, and then on the streets later on this evening. Here, I only saw their car. They were already on the beach looking for Angelica when I arrived with the Abbess, and it was too dark to see them. I followed the Abbess onto the beach. I think as she scrambled around in the dark, she may have stumbled upon the man with gun and confronted him. I heard her say, Leave Angelica alone. I ran towards her voice. Then came the gunshot. I reached her just as she fell against me. Would you say that she shouted at the man? No. Her voice was firm and angry, but only loud enough for those in the immediate vicinity. Is there any other detail you can tell me? No He shook his head. That's all I remember.                                                 ________________________________________________________ { PART.  4 } - Well if you think of anything else, let me know. Unfortunately, with all the chaos we did not get a good enough look at the assailants. It all happened so fast, and what with the streets lights so dim. All we saw was a gun, and so we ducked and screamed at others to do the same. They were gone in a flash. Does this mean you won't be able to arrest them? asked Father Cavallo. It will depend on their alibis, which I'm sure will be solid and place them in Tuscany. And no doubt Pulsoni's influence, muttered Father Cavallo. The police officer gave him a stony glare. Father Cavallo, can you describe the events from your perspective? All I know is that when we arrived the two men were already the two men were already searching for Angelica on the beach. The Abbess ran in after them and Father Abbedelli after Her. I did not hear her speak. A few minutes later we heard a gunshot. I was in the car, turning it around to shed some light on the beach. You had arrived at that point and saw for yourself. The men ran into the light and escaped. He was the only one I saw holding a gun because he passed by the Abbess's car to get into his. Would you be able to recognise him in a police lineup? Positively! But Angelica knows them personally and is certain who they are. The officer nodded.                                             ________________________________________________________ { PART.  5 } - And how is it that you came to be here? He directed his question to Angelica. She scribbled avidly on the notepad. Father Cavallo looked at the words she had written with a sympathetic expression and read them aloud. I knew Don Primo's men had found me and I ran away. Christiano narrowed his eyes, But they still found you, continued the officer. Maybe you were better off staying at the convent and calling the police. Perhaps then, this woman would not be dead. Angelica squeezed Father Cavallo's arm and moved in closer to him. Officer, she has been through enough as it is. The officer maintained a rigid facade. My colleague will make a note of your details. In case of further questioning, make yourselves available. He nodded politely before walking towards the ambulance. _______________________________________________________ { PART.  6 } - As Father Cavallo gave his details to the policewoman, Angelica turned to Christiano, only to meet with a vacant stare. She looked into his eyes for a shred of acknowedgement but found nothing. Instead, in an undeniable snub, he turned towards the ocean. Dejected, she made her way to the Abbess's car and got in. He pretended not to notice and repressed a pang of guilt. Father Cavallo was now conversing with Sister Carmina. She nodded, gave him a tearful hug, and walked to the huddled group of nuns a few steps away. Then he appoached Christiano. How are you feeling, my friend? I'll be fine. And you? I have lost a dear friend and colleague. I will grieve her death for a long while, but I must focus on supporting my sisters and ensuring that the day-to-day running of Santa Maria is maintained. It is good that Angelica did not mention Sister Celeste's actions. It is best we keep this in-house. The sisters know to do the same. He looked around. Where is Sister Celeste, anyway? You told them to lie? Don't you think she deserves punishment for what she put Angelica through? Don't you think she should pay for the Abbess's death? My friend, I know you are confused and angry. We are all grieving for a most venerable woman. But this is what she would want. Also, we have an obligation to the Vatican to keep this quiet.                              _______________________________________________________  { PART.  7 } - It is enough that Sister Celeste made a mockery of us and Santa Maria in that silly excuse of a newspaper. Another matter from which I was excluded. I don't even know what the article was about. Father Christiano, please understand, you were new to the convent, and we did it to protect Angelica. Just a short while ago I was sitting in the car with the Abbess and now she is gone. The Abbess was fully aware of the dangers of her involvement with Angelica, but she was a woman with the protective instincts of a lioness: a woman of principle. The Lord's intentions can sometimes seem harsh and cruel, but it is our job to have faith. We, as His ambassadors, must be that unshakable faith as an example to others. Christiano looked towards the car at Angelica who sat in the back seat. Her head was leaning against the window, and she was wiping tears from her eyes. He lowered his gaze, guiltily. Perhaps they will let us leave now. I will ask the officer, said Father Cavallo. Christiano watched as Father Cavallo talked easily with the policeman, shook hands with him, and returned. Sisters, please gather round, he said aloud. The officer said we can go home. I have arranged for the police to take some of you back to Santa Maria. I know it will be difficult to return. The Abbess's absence will leave a gaping hole at the heart of the convent.                                               _______________________________________________________ { PART.  8 } - We are all very distraught at such a tragic loss, but the Abbess will remain in our hearts and our thoughts for the rest of our lives. In fact, she will insist on it! He tried to smile but failed. Do any of you feel up to walking back to Santa Maria? he asked. A few raised their hands. Then those who can, please go now. I can take up to two in the Abbess's car, the police officers have two cars here, they can take six, and I will come back for the rest of you. I will be as fast as I can. I will walk, said Christiano. Another sister can go in my place. Are you sure you're okay? You look sick. I'll be fine. The walk will do me good. I will see you tomorrow. He left before the old man could protest. FATHER CAVALLO ARRIVED AT - Santa Maria. The looming full moon emphasised its eerily gothic exterior as the nuns left the Abbess's Car. Father Cavallo instructed Sister Carmina to take Angelica to her room and to stay with her. Of course, Father Cavallo. She took Angelica by the arm. He nodded with gratitude and made his way back to the beach for the remaining nuns.                                                                                                    _______________________________________________________  { PART.  9 } - As he drove, he passed by those who had opted to return on foot. Each tormented face escalated the repressed grief that welled inside him until tears streamed hotly down his face. He slammed his fist on the wheel and gave in to his sorrow--his single opportunity to put his feelings before the Church and his sisters.      CHRISTIANO ENRERED THE HOUSE - and stopped with reluctant feet at the door of the kitchen where Marcello and Agostina were anxiuosly waiting. They had heard hin leave the house in the later on, the thunder of sirens through the streets. Marcello had called the convent and spoken to Sister Immaculata. They noticed the splotches of vibrant red on his stark white t-shirt and unmistakable stains on his hands and arms. Agostina gasped and placed her hand over her mouth. What happened, Father? Are you injured? Asked Marcello. He shook his head and relayed the news with a solemn look on his face, The Abbess passed away this evening. Agostina burst into tears.                                                                                    _______________________________________________________ { PART.  10 } - She dug her fingers into Marcello's arm. How did this happen? he asked. I think it best you speak with Father Cavallo. It's not my place to tell you. I'm sorry. Get some rest, Father. You look as pale as a ghost. Do you need anything? said Marcello. Christiano shook his head and made his way down to his room where he removed his soiled clothing, tossed it to the floor and collapsed on his bed. Fatigue weighed through his body. Dull aches throbbed in his arms, his legs, and his back--everywhere. He noticed the photo of Nicolas on the desk opposite. The boy's youthful eyes filled with the expectancy of time, stared back, unaware of what lay ahead for him. Christiano lay down on the sheets and tried to shut out the night's events. His eyes jittered beneath his eyelids, like ants scurrying from left to right. Gradually, he melted into a deep sleep, and then the dreams started.                                                                                     ________________________________________________________ { PART.  11 } - He was back at the beach. The Abbess lay in his arms. As blood seeped from her mouth and the life-force drained from her body, she  struggled to utter her last words. Words he had kept to himself.'ll get Angelica away from...Santa Maria. She Please!... Believe... her! Angelica appeared before him; her gaze lowered to the ground. She looked up. Her grey hood fell to her shoulders as she raised blood-soaked hands from beneath her cloak and held them pleadingly towards him. Christiano's eyes shot open.                                                                   ________________________________________________________                                 


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