{ PT.  1 } - The incessant ringing woke Johan. It was 6 am. He grimaced with annoyance. The caller ID was that of the cardinal. He sat up like a soldier caught slacking on duty and swiped the display screen. Your Eminence. He tried to disguise the morning croak in his voice. I am at the door; about to knock... Yes, Your Eminence, as soon as she's in the car... Yes, Your Eminence, everything was quiet last night... Thank you, Your Eminence. I will, Your Eminence. Goodbye... The phone went dead. Your Eminence, he said sarcastically and with a look of disdain. He placed the phone in his face in the rear-view mirror and used his finger as a toothbrush to scrape the front of his teeth. He slapped his cheeks, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and left the car. As he walked to the convent doors, he tucked in his shirt, put on his jacket and fixed his tie. He gave the door two hefty knocks and seconds later, noticed the doorbell. He pressed it. Moments later Father Cavallo came to his call clutching at his chest and breathing heavily. The girl is gone, he announced. The nurse checked in on her in the infirmary about fifteen minutes ago, and she wasn't there.                                                                              _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - We have searched everywhere, and she is nowhere to be found. Moreover, her personal belongings are missing. But no one came this way last night. No, it appears she escaped through the shop on Via Scala. His Eminence will be furious. I'm sorry, what can I say? It's out of my hands. You may come inside and check for yourself. That won't be necessary. Johan removed his phone from his pocket and hit the dial button with a scowl. Your Eminence. He gulped. The girl ran away last night... from another exit. I'm sorry, Your Eminence... Yes, Your Emi--He let out a burdened sigh. Please open the gates for me. He walked his car. Father Cavallo shut the door. A satisfied grin dimpled his portly cheeks.                                PURPLE WITH RAGE, THE Cardinal banged his fists against the perfectly polished wood of his antique desk. That meddlesome priest! He grabbed the pearl handle of his vintage phone and dialled a number, the old-fashioned way. Father Cavallo was attending to paperwork in the Abbess's office when the phone rang. Santa Maria L'ador--A rancorous voice fired down the phone, Father Cavallo, it has been duly noted that your actions go against the Catholic Church and the sacrosanct orders of His Holiness the Pope. You can expect repercussions. You made a grave mistake making an enemy of me. He slammed the phone down before Father Cavallo could speak.      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - Back in his study, the Cardinal stood up and swiped his desk in venomous fury, causing items to spill all over his plush burgundy carpet. He fell into his seat, picked up the pearl handle once again, and this time dialled the Monsignor. As I suspected, your friend Father Cavallo is a dishonourable man. When my chauffeur knocked at his door this mouring, he was told the girl had run away. I do not believe that she left unassisted, if she has left at all. This Father Cavallo must be made an example of, and I intend to see that he is. My deepest apologies, Your Eminence. You must ensure that he is held accountable for the mess at Santa Maria. My friend, that will be the least of his trouble when I have finished destroying him. Your Eminence, I have been looking further into Sister Celeste's claims about Angelica and Father Abbadelli. It seems he has not enrolled in his studies as Father Cavallo informed us.                        _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - Do you think he is helping her? From what I know of Father Abbadelli, I would say no, but why would say no, but why would Sister Celeste mention some involvement between them if there was not some shred of truth to it? This harlot may have turned his head. Monsignor Lucca, you have been most helpful. I ask that you make no more enquiries. Leave this to me. As you wish, Your Eminence. The Cardinal pressed a red button on the side of his desk. Moments later, two big men entered his office and waited by the door for his acknowledgement. He swivelled his chair round to face them. Vito, Sammel. I only needed one of you, but I do so admire your efficiency. Sammel, when Johan arrives send him to see me, will you? Yes, Your Eminence. That'll be all. The men nodded and left the room. The Cardinal swivelled back round to his desk, opened the middle drawer and pulled out a black notebook. He opened it, scanned through his address book and stopped at the letter K. He ran his index finger down to the name Kristoff, lifted the phone and dialled the number. It rang for seven rings before it was picked up by an answerphone. I have a message from God, said the Cardinal. He replaced the receiver and moments later, the phone rang. The Cardinal lifted the handle and put it to his ear, without a word.            _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - What is God's message? replied a gruff voice. Kristoff, my friend, I am glad to find you well. Your Eminence, it is with your prayers and blessings that I remain on this earth. I have some investigative work for you. Are you able to service my needs at this time? Always, for you, Your Eminence. The Cardinal flashed a malign smile. I would like you to find out everything conceivable about a Don Primo Pulsoni and a Father Christiano Abbadelli...         ________________________________________________________                


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