[ CHAPTER.  SEVENTEEN ]  { PURSUIT }                                      { PT.  1 } - Angelica awoke to a blaze of fiery beams spearing through the waning darkness. Beautiful, isn't it? She had almost forgotten where she was. She turned to her left to see Christiano focused on the road ahead. His face mirrored the colours of the dawn. She nodded appreciatively and made a quick yawn and a stretch before she removes her sketchpad and pencils from her bag and put graphite to paper. Christiano's head turned back and forth from the road to her. He marvelled at the skill of her hand. Minutes later, she held a completed sketch that resembled the glory before them. A talent I envy, he said. She tore it out of her book and gestured it as a gift. I can't accept it. He returned his attention to the road. Bewildered, Angelica placed the page back in the book and looked to the scenery outside her window. The ocean stretched to infinity boats lined the length of the dock, and a skein of seagulls hovered above the sea in a V formation. There's food in the bag and some water. She ignored him. He had offended her again. He chewed his bottom lip in the fraught silence while he found the courage to tell her the truth. I threw the portrait you drew of me in the dustbin, he blurted sheepishly. Her head turned to meet the side of his face. He glanced at her apologetically, before he returned to watching the road. The echoes of sadness in her eyes were imprinted on the road before him.                                                                                            _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - They started back at him,--a guilt too inadequate for words. But he had to try; to say something. After everything that happened, I was confused and upset, he said lamely. She turned away to face the dawn. I'm sorry, he said. I truly am. My actions are unforgiveable. I have never treated a work of art, especially of such calibre, with such dishonour. That's why I cannot accept your drawing. Angelica shrugged and reached into the carrier bag given to them by Father Cavallo. She pulled out a paper bag filled with an assortment of mini cornetti, took a chocolate one out and bit into it. In two bites it was gone. She returned the rest to the carrier bag and took out a sandwich. Also, continued Christiano, that night at the beach, I want to apologise for my actions. I've acted like a man with no heart and a priest without compassion. Please forgive my foolishness on both counts. He made a side glance towards her. I'm truly sorry. She nodded with softened eyes and returned to her breakfast. When she had swallowed her last morsel, she scribbled on her board and held it to him.                                                                _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - Where are we going? This is my home-town. She scrubbed out the question and wrote, You don't look well. The sea air turns my stomach a little. I'll be okay when we reach higher ground. They drove the rest of the way in silence. Christiano reached the end of a long road and turned left up a hill. driving sinuously, he passed rows of closed shops and a market square where a few traders were sitting up for the day. The car ascended higher with each bend until he took a sharp left and parked opposite a small townhouse of vibrant red stone with royal blue door. We're here. We'll stay at my parents house for a couple of days until I find somewhere safe for you. He walked round to the back of the car for the luggage. Angelica walked to the edge of the road. her gaze followed the multi-coloured rooftops, shaped like jagged steps down the mountain until they reached the very bottom, where the waves kissed the rocks. Her sightseeing was interrupted by Christiano clearing his throat as he waited for her at the door. She entered the house and looed around in wonderment. Inside, the rustic interior was a stark white. Dark wooden beams ran the length of the ceiling. To their left was an open door that revealed a long dining table covered with a lacy cream tablecloth, and on the wall behind it, a painting of the Virgin Mary.  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4  } - Her hands were clutched at her heart. Back at the entrance, the narrow passage led to a staircase. Who's there? announced a deep, masculine voice. It's me, Papa, replied Christiano. The man appeared at the top of the stairs. His frown was replaced with a joyous smile as he bounded down and stopped--somewhat surprised to see a beautiful woman with his son. Your mother said you were coming. He opened his arms and grabbed Christiano in a mammoth embrace; all the while his eyes were on Angelica. Papa, this is Angelica. Angelica this is my papa, Emilio. Welcome to our home, he said, shaking her hand. She nodded with a smile and then scribbled something on her board. She flashed it at Christiano. Please, where is the bathroom? Emilio's brow creased. Christiano pointed to a door beneath the stairs. With Angelica out of sight and earshot, Emilio asked, Who is this woman and why does she speak on a board? She is mute, Papa. I'm taking care of her for a short while. Where's Mama? Emilio's eyes widened. I see.                                               _____________________________________________________    { PT.  5 } - I see. Your mother is in the bathroom upstairs. Are you in trouble, son? No, Papa. She needs my help. Are you involved with this girl? Why do you ask me such questions? I'm a priest? Okay. He help his hands up in defence. It just seems odd... Christiano! The cry came from upstairs. A woman in her late forties raced down the steps with an elated smile and outstetched arms. They embraced. Are you okay, my son? You sounded so anxious over the phone. I'm fine. Right now I need a little rest. We'll talk later. The sound of a toilet flush forced her head towards the staircase. Who's here? The door beneath the stairs opened, Angelica sauntered into the hallway. Mama, this is Angelica, said Christiano. His gaze met with his mother's frown. Angelica, this is my mama, Rosa... Mama, Angelica will be staying with us for a couple of days, if that's okay? Of course, she replied, beaming a smile at her guest. A beautiful face. Angelica gazed coyly at Rosa as they shook hands. Are you both hungry? As she spoke, her eyes wandered down to Angelica's stomach, who responded by shielding her belly with her hands. Rosa, open-mouthed with shock, turned to Christiano. He ignored his mother's expression. Angelica can have my old room. I will take Marco's. Okay, son. Show her the way, said Emilio. Then come back downstairs. I will make us some camomilla, said Rosa. Angelica gave them both a cordial nod and made her way up the stairs. Christiano followed behind her. I'm tired, Mama. We'll talk after I sleep. When they were out of sight, Rosa turned to Emilio with an inquisitive look. She is mute! he said with a shrug.                              _______________________________________________________          


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