[ CHAPTER.  SIXTEEN ]  -  { PART.  1 }                                          Christiano paced his bedroom like an expectant father; his phone pressed to his ear. An open suitcase lay empty on his bed. The monotonous ring remained unanswered before it finally switched to answerphone. Mama, I need to speak with you ungently. Don't bother calling me; I'm on my way home. He slipped the phone into his trouser pocket, removed a bundle of clothing from his wardrobe and unceremoniously threw the items into his suitcase. In the bathroom, he swept his toiletries into a bag, showing no care for breakages. The bag was thrown into the suitcase just as haphazardly, and the case slammed shut. As he looked round the room, he noticed the portrait Angelica had sketched for him. He ripped it off the wall and examined it for a moment, staring at the face of a man he no longer knew. He tossed it in the bin, zipped up his luggage and left the room. At the top of the stairs, an anxious Marcello and Agostina waited for him.                                                                                    _______________________________________________________ { PART.  2 } - Father, are you okay? Yes, Agostina. I'm fine. Please stop worrying. You both know I was leaving today. Yes, but with all that's happened we thought you would stay, at least until after the funeral, said Marcello. I'm afraid that's not possibly. My studies begin tomorrow. Agostina and Marcello simultaneously raised their eyebrows. Please, just understand that I must leave. Marcello walked to Christiano with open arms. You may be a priest, but you are like a son to me. Tears welled in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Christiano who responded with a heartfelt hug of his own. And you are like a father to me. Agostina burst into tears and hugged him tightly. Father, please say you'll stay in touch. I will, he replied. He gave her shoulders a firm squeeze. Your hospitality made my stay feel just like home. He kissed her forehead. I will get my keys and drop you at the train station, said Marcello. No, you have been more than kind. I will take a taxi. I insist. There is something I must do first. It's best I walk to the taxi office. My luggage is light. Very well, Father. Christiano picked up his case and walked to the door. He turned to them for one last time, opened his mouth to speak, but instead, simply nodded and left. He made his way down the alleyway, on to the street, and continued on to Piazza di Nettuno.    _______________________________________________________  { PART.  3 } - As he neared the end of the square, he stopped to take a final glance at the convent. The gates were closed. The innocent exterior concealed the mysteries that lay behind it. I've been looking for you, Father. Philippe walked into his line of sight. I must catch a taxi, Philippe. I'm sorry, I have no time. Father, wait! christiano stopped. Make it quick, Philippe. Father, can't you tell I'm sober? Christiano dropped his suitcase to the floor, and a smile permeated his face. Why, yes, you are. What has brought this change? It seems that last night's tragic events had a sobering effect on me... And perhaps the influence of a good woman. Woman! Who is this woman? Philippe looked to the ground. The sudden realisation devoured the simle from Christiano's face. Philippe, no. She is a good woman, Father. A woman wronged... She told you her story? All of it, Father. She is truly sorry for what she did. She did not mean for the Abbess to die, and she is truly grateful that God intervened and prevented her from hitting Angelica with the rock. Christiano's eyes bulged. I have said too much. She did not harm her. It is her actions that resulted in the death of the Abbess, and now Angelica's life is in danger. Angelica did not so much as mention Sister Celeste's conduct to the police, or to us. Philippe, I implore you to run as far away from this woman as possible. Where is your charity, Father? Not where this woman is concerned. She needs professional help. No. She needs love, comfort and companionship, and I will give it to her if she will have me. I knew it from the moment I saw her.                                                                                                    _______________________________________________________  { PART.  4 } - Sometimes you just know these things.  Christiano let out a frustrated sigh. As you wish, Philippe. I no longer care. He turned to leave. It seems that God did have a plan for me, after all. Christiano ignored him and continued walking. What about the girl, Father? Angelica. You are in love with her. Christiano stopped, made strides back towards him and reached in close to his face. I wouldn't go listening to the likes of Sister Celeste. And I would like you to stop such nonsense. I am a priest, and I have a reputation to uphold. She is your destiny Father. Enough, Philippe! If you leave not, how will your actins be any different from Sister Celeste? Angelica is not my responsibility. Yes, she is, Father. I had a vision last night and... Christiano rolled his eyes and turned to leave. Father please, you must hear this. He grabbled his arm. She's in danger. Not just from the mafia. There is a man, an influential man who will try to take control of her and the baby. She is not safe. What are you talking about? I saw only a vague vision.                                                        _______________________________________________________ { PART.  5 } - He's a man of the cloth. He wears a gold ring with a large ruby. He is a bad man. He means the girl harm. You must protect the baby. Philippe, have you any idea how you sound? What she claims is the truth. She is pregnant with the next Messiah. Everything you are saying you have gleaned from Sister Celeste. I told you I had a vision. Philippe, there is no truth to this. Would you have said the same to the Venerable Mary? Ahead of them, the convent gates opened. Christiano watched as the Monsignor's blue Fiat drove onto Di Santa Maria Viale with a man resembling the Cardinal in the front passenger seat. Philippe followed his gaze. He's in there! he cried. The man the means her harm. Christiano frowned and then jumped from the vibrational buzz to his thigh. He removed his phone from his pocket. The convent number flashed on the screen. He swiped to answer. Father Cavallo? Thank the blessed Lord you answered your phone. I'm in dire need of your help. It's Angelica, she's in danger and not from Don Primo. The Cardinal has laid claim to her. There is not a hallowed bone in that man's body. Of that, I'm certain. Christiano glanced at Philippe who nodded with sageness.                                                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PART.  6 } - What kind of claim? He has left his chauffeur here,a tall foreign man who I suspect is Swiss Guard. Angelica is to leave with him in the morning. She can refuse. My friend, something tells me she cannot. Besides, the Cardinal may come back with reinforcements. He has made threats. Please, will you come? Oh bless you, Father Christiano. Do not come through the forecourt. That's where he's parked. I will come by Via Scala. How long will you be? I'm be there in a moment. He hit the end button and dropped his arm limply by his side. His eyes fell on Philippe. Best of luck, father. You'll need it. Christiano remained frozen, his gaze on Philippe as he vanished round the corner. A group of vocal schoolchildren walked by in twos. They snapped him out of his daze. Their teacher alerted them to avoid tripping over his luggage on the ground. He picked up his case and made his way towards the convent. He skirted by the front gate and walked on to Via Scala where a worried Father Cavallo stood at the shop door. Our chauffeur is having a snack in the refectory. He must not see you. I told the Cardinal and the monsignor you left this morning to resume your studies. Let me see this man, said Christiano. They made their way to the corridor, stopped at the corner before the cloister and poked their heads round the wall to see the chauffeur through the glass window. The man sat alone around the large rectangular dining table, munching on some bread and sipping soup. He's the same chauffeur from the Cardinal's first visit. I directed him to the Cardinal had that episode.                                                                     _______________________________________________________ { PT.  7 } - You really think he's Swiss Guard? With a name like Johan, I suspect he is, my friend. I have a feeling that if Angelica resists tomorrow, he will force her. Does he have a gun? Possibly, beneath his jacket. I have not been close enough to see. Johan finished his dinner, thanked the nun and left the refectory. They retreated behind the wall as he entered the corridor and made his way back to the forecourt. I will make sure he enters his car and stays there. Meet me in the recreation room, said Father Cavallo.              AS CHRISTIANO WAITED FOR Father Cavallo, his right leg jittered nervously, and a thousand thoughts ran through his mind. He rubbed his tense brow. Minutes later, the Father swept into the room with a carrier bag in his hand. He placed it on the coffee table. Right then, he said as he sat down. What exactly are you asking me to do? said Christiano. My friend, I am asking you if your promise to the dying Abbess.                                                                                        _______________________________________________________  { PT.  8 } - To take Angelica away from Santa Maria? What are you afraid of? I know you have feelings for her. Yes, it seems everyone likes to tell me how I feel about Angelica. Are we wrong? Christiano's head flopped. I don't know. I... feel something for her, something new to me, but I am a priest. I took seriously. How is it that you as a priest who took the same vow can encourage me to break it and toss my career aside as if it were nothing? Because I have never had these feelings. You have, and that means something. Feelings can be controlled. Perhaps I'm just a pawn in everyone's game. Perhaps you wish to rid yourself of the burden. Father Christiano... You know if I do this, my career is over. My family will be scandalised. I have devoted myself to the Church and this... place has turned my life to disarray. The Cardinal means to pass Angelica to his scientists. They will run experiments on her and the unborn baby. Of that I am certain. Once she reaches the Holy See she will become the property of the Church and the Cardinal will do as he pleases.                                                                                                   ________________________________________________________ { PT.  9 } - Who will stop him? That's not the purpose of the Miracles Commission. I'm surprised the Cardinal would entertain such nonsense. Unofficially, I believe he is using his status to do as he wishes. I'm not even convinced His Holiness has any idea of his plans. One thing of which I am sure, the Cardinal is not who he seems. What medical experiments could possibly determine that she carries the next Messiah? It's ludicrous. My friend, very few people know what lies in the Vatican vaults. An item with Christ's DNA, who knows? Let's just call the police. If the police become involved I guarantee you Angelica will be back in Don Primo's hands by the end of the week. In fact, I think the Vatican probably has more influence than the Mafioso. Think carefully my friend, how would you feel if Angelica were back with Don Primo, or being experimented on by the Cardinal's scientists? Christiano buried his head in his hands. My friend, I implore you. Where will I take her? That's something you must not tell me. You must find somewhere where she will be safe.                                                                         ________________________________________________________ { PT.  10 } - They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Enter! said Father Cavallo. The door swung open. Angelica stood at the entrance with a small suitcase and the look of a scolded child. Angelica, please come in, said Father Cavallo. She entered the room and started an intense scribble on her board. She held it up, unashamedly. They both read the message. I do not want to go with him. Christiabo cupped his hands over his eyes and made a sigh. Christiano will look after you, said Father Cavallo. She shook her head. It's just until this mess dies down. Maybe a month or two, continued Father Cavallo. You can't force her to go with me! She's convinced you dislike her. Please tell her it's not true. Christiano lowered his head as the guilt rose to his chest and spread like fire to his throat. He rose from his seat and made his way towards her. Her nebulous eyes fixed intensely on his pupils. He felt himself drift through them. I'm...sorry, Angelica... She turned her attention elsewhere. He gulped. I... was rude last night and days earlier.            _______________________________________________________ { PT.  11 } - I didn't mean it. There you go, Angelica, said Father Cavallo. He rose from his chair and picked up the small bag from the table. You could not be in better hands. I'm convinced. Now, Sister Immaculata kindly prepared some sandwiches and pastries for you both. She took them, reluctantly, but neither she nor Christiano moved. In the name of... Father Christiano, will you do this? Christiano made a defeated nod. Good, then let's move. I have arranged for Marcello to leave his car outside Via Scala. He says you can have it with his blessing. He opened the door to the refectory, and they walked to the opposite side of the corridor where they entered the preserve kitchen, walked straight through to the storeroom and on to the shop. Angelica, I would just like a word with Father Christiano. Would you mind waiting by the door? He turned to him. My friend, I must be able to trust you. I have to be sure you will not pass Angelica on to the Cardinal at some later date. I need to know something, too. Yes? Do you believe Angelica is pregnant with the next Messiah? My dear friend, pregnant she is, but what I believe is of no significance. I am protecting the girl from harm. Now I ask again, can I trust you? They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. You have my word she will be safe.                                    _______________________________________________________  { PT.  12 } - Father Cavallo smiled and gripped Christiano's shoulders. I thought as much, my friend. He went to the door and hugged Angelica. Go in peace and know that you are safe and protected. She retuned his hug and wiped away her tears. Good luck, my friend, said Father Cavallo. They shook hands, firmly. It was destiny that brought you to us. . . Ah, there is Marcello. Christiano and Angelica stepped onto Via Scala and made their way to the car. Marcello stood at the door and waited for Christiano to reach him. It is good to see you so soon, but I am sorry to see you go. Thank you for everything, Marcello. Christiano embraced him. Father Cavallo placed the luggage in the boot of the car and helped Angelica into the front passenger seat. He shut the door and wanted over to the driver's side to bid a last farewell to Christiano. seconds later, Christiano put the car into first gear and hit the gas. Angelica turned to the passenger window to shield her tears. As they drove away, Christiano watched Santa Maria, Father Cavallo and Marcello through the rear-view mirror, grow as distant as a fading memory.                               JOHAN FIDGETED UNCOMFORTABLY IN - the back of the limousine, his feet crossed as he texted a message in his cell phone. I will bring her tomorrow. He hit the send button. He tossed and tuned a little until comfortable and shut his eyes. Moments later, a double ping alerted him back to his phone. And what of the Cardinal? The monsignor took him back to Rome, so close, yet... We can only hope...                                                                                                  _______________________________________________________      


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