{ PT.  1 } - A pensive Don Primo sat in solitude beneath an alcove in his restaurant. He fiddled with a lighter in the shape of three bullets welded together. He was almost obscured by the cloud of cigarette smoke engulfing him. On the wall behind him was an enlarged monochrome photograph of a young man with a Clark Gable moustache wearing a forties pinstripe suit, trench coat and fedora hat. Standing to knee height was a young boy with Don Primo's characteristic icy stare. They both stood at the entrance of the restaurant--as it looked some fifty years ago with the stone tiling worn to form a colossal stone facade. From a table opposite, Enzo watched him from beneath lowered eyebrows. Don Primo swiped his fingers through the snow-white hair that stylishly ran to the top of his shoulders, and continued staring down at the table deep in thought. Everyone was wary of his mood.                                                        _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - The general atmosphere in the restaurant was cautious, and the usual banter replace with reticence. At the bar stood a waiter wiping smudge marks from a glass. He held it up to the light to ensure its spotlessness. His meticulous ritual was interrupted when the phone rang. Aquilon Ristorante, he announced. He listened intently. One moment, please. The man glanced towards Don Primo with a worried expression and walked towards him with hesitant steps. He cleared his throat as he reached the table. Don Primo looked up. What is it, Fabio? Don Pulsoni, Sir, excuse the interruption, but there's a man on the phone who says he can help you... ah... Spit it out, Fabio! Find Angelica, Sir. What? That was his message, Sir. Don Primo held out his hand, and Fabio handed him the phone. He glanced at Enzo as he pressed it ti his ear. Enzo stared back through narrowed, curious eyes. Who is this? demanded Don Primo. On the end of the line, the Cardinal wore a smug smile as he sat at an opulent dining table in a room lined floor to ceiling with polished mahogany and marble. A uniformed servant placed a plate of trippa alla romana before him. Am I speaking with Mr. Pulsoni? Don Primo's eyes narrowed. This is he. I ask you again to tell me who you are. I am Cardinal Casar Beltz, and I have a proposition for you. You said you can help me find Angelica.                                     _______________________________________________________ { PT.  3 } - What would you know about her? Ah, there is a lot I know, Mr. Pulsoni. Don Primo's jaw tightened. If you knew as much as you say. you would know to watch your step. Mr. Pulsoni, please, I am not calling you for a confrontation, I assure you. I am offering you my services in exchange for your, plus an added bonus for you. And your proposition is? Don Primo was growing impatient. If I could direct you to someone who may know where Angelica is... Is she no longer at the convent? They claim she has run away. Don Primo's face glowed with new-found possibility. He glanced at Enzo with a glint in his eyes. I understand she was your mistress. Is that right? That's none of your business. Please, Mr. Pulsoni, do not misunderstand me. I have no interest in your personal affairs. I am willing to offer you five hundred thousand euros for her delvery to me. Don Primo was stunned. What do you want with her? One million and you ask no questions. He raised his brow. I'd have to think about that. As I expected. Make it two million, and you may have a deal. Come now Mr. Pulsoni, let's be reasonable. One and a half is my last offer. You're a Cardinal you say? Yes. Then I'm guessing that your interest in Angelica relates to a newspaper article and some unlikely miracle.                                                                   _______________________________________________________ { PT.  4 } - The Virgin Angelica doesn't quite have the same ring. Make it two, and you can call her the Queen of Sheba for all I care. You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Pulsoni. Two it is. And it is a bargain considering I have already gathered all the intelligence you will need to find her. Do I have your word you will need to find her. Do I have your word you will not ask any questions or back away from our deal? You have my word. Then we are in business. I want all the money upfront. I can have half the amount couriered to you by the end of business day, today. How's that? Understand that I will not pass Angelica on to you until I have all the money in my possession. I expect the rest on delivery. I concur. Who is she staying with? There was a young priest at Santa Maria who, as I understand it, was quite fond of her. Don Primo's face grew a dark shade of red. And she was apparently quite smitten with him. Don Primo's hand formed a fist. They may have stolen away together in the late hours. Who knows, they may have eloped. The priest is being investigated, but as we cannot find either of them, there is nothing we can do. I see, said Don Primo, seething. And what is this priest's name? Father Christiano Abbadelli. In my humble opinion, a good place to start is with his hometown. But you'll need to act fast.                                    ______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - His parents? Emilio and Rosa Abbadelli. He has a brother, Marco, who is married with two children. So you have a few bargaining chips if need be. I'm certain they'll know how to get in touch with him. Well let's just say it will be in their best interest, replied Don Rrimo. And if it doesn't pan out you can always trace their steps back to the convent and have a quiet and have a quiet word with a wretched priest named Father Cavallo... when the heat dies down, so to speak. I have no idea what you're talking about. The Cardinal smiled wickedly. Do you have a pen handy, Mr. Pulsoni?    _______________________________________________________   


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