[ CHAPTER  TWENTY-THREE ]  -  { PT.  1 }                                                    Spasms of pain struck like lighting bolts through Christiano's brain, rousing him to consciousness. With each attack, he could see kaleidoscopic veins of light in his minds eyes. His eyes cracked open to a haze of colours and unfocused shapes. He's awake, said t tearful Rosa. Christiano! Just give him a moment, said Emilio. His vision gradually focused. His mother and father stood over him. Their faces were worn with concern. What happened? he croaked. I'm sorry, son, said Rosa, sobbing. In an instant, his memory transported him back to the moment he left the barber's shop. Angelica! He swiftly sat up. Every inch of his body screamed in protest. His father tried to calm him. Rosa burst into tears. I turned away for a moment to sample some olives, and she was gone. Christiano noticed the sling around her arm. What did they do to you? I'll be fine, son. A man was dragging her away. I was chasing them when I felt a push and the next thing I know I was on the ground. Then I heard a whisper in my ear telling me to stay down on I'd be sorry. Is it broken? No. It's a sprain. The doctor said I'll be fine. Don't blame yourself, Mama. this is my fault.                                                                                            _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - I should never have asked you to watch her. I underestimated the danger. Who were those men? asked his father, They are men from her past. All I know is that they work for a Don Pulsoni in Tuscany. Mafioso? look, I'm sorry I got you all into this. i must find her. He pushed the bed sheets aside. That's not a good idea, son, said Emilio. He held his hand out to stop him. You've been injured. I feel fine, said Christiano. He weakly pulled himself to the side of the bed and suddenly wrinkled his nose as a rotting smell drifted to his nostrils. You landed in a fishing truck. It saved your life, said Rosa. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Emilio embraced his wife and turned to Christiano. The police want to question you. Are they here? I managed to persuade them to come back in the morning. The doctor said you need the rest. . . You were lucky. Is there anything you need? Right now, I need a shower. He gripped the bed with both hands and with his arms as weak as two broken branches, heaved himself up. Let me help you, Let me help you, son, said Emilio. No, I can do it. Please, just leave me to get ready. The doctor left you some painkillers. Emilio pointed to the box on the bedside table as he guided his wife out of the room. Christiano shoved two pills into his mouth and staggered to the bathroom for a shower.                                                                                                  _______________________________________________________ { PT.  3 } - He scrubbed vehemently in a camouflage of soap to remove all remnants of rotting fish from his hair and body. All the while has mind was focused on finding and rescuing Angelica. He entered his room to find his father waiting for him. Son, we need to talk. Christiano said nothing as he casually walked to his suitcase and removed his clerical suit. You're in obvious pain. You need to rest. I have no time for pain, replied Christiano as he dressed. What's so important about this girl? Christiano looked at him. Mama didn't tell you? Yes, she told me a fairy tale of biblical proportion. He continued to dress. I made a promise to someone that I would look after her and I failed. So, you call the police. You're a priest, not a secret agent. Christiano buttoned his shirt and put on his Roman collar. Christiano! his father snapped. These people are dangerous. You need to leave it to the police. No! he cried. Emilio was shocked into silence. An immediate look of regret spread across Christiano's face. She's my responsibility. I will find her. Emilio let out a burdened sigh. Then is there anything I can do to help you, son? Thank you, but no. I don't want you involved. Like you say, these are dangerous people. I'll deal with this my way. He looked round the room. Where's my cell phone? It smashed in the accident. I'll need to use the landline. You can use the one in our bedroom. Christiano flopped down on his parent's bed with the decrepit limbs of an old man.                                                                                                      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - He lifted the receiver and dialled a number                        FATHER CAVALLO WAS ATTENDING - to paperwork in the Abbess's office. He lifted the phone. Santa Maria L'adora... Father Franco. It's me Christiano. It's not safe for you to call me. Is our friend Okay? Father, he gulped. She... I... The words refused to leave his lips. You're scaring me, my friend. Don Primo's men have her. He bowed his head in shame. How did this happen? That I do not know. She was with my mother... It's a long story. The fact is they have her, and I intend to get her back. And how will you do that? You leave that to me. I just need to know where this Don Primo lives.                EMILIO AND ROSA STOOD OUTSIDE - the room with their ears pressed against the door. Their eavesdropping was interrupted by the doorbell. The children! I forgot they are staying a few nights, said Rosa. She made her way down the stairs and opened the front door to see two happy children run inside. Marco saw her tearful face and bandaged arm. Are you okay, Mama? No. He's insisting on going after her. I'll go and talk to him. Are you sure you can manage now, what with your arm? It is too much. Your father will help. Don't worry. Go have fun with your wife. Thank you, Mama. He gave her a hug. Now go talk some sense into your brother. He nodded and ran up the stairs. BACK IN HIS PARENT'S BEDROOM - Christiano made notes on paper. Do you think there's anyone there who could help me find Don Primo? I don't think so, my friend.                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - Abbess Rossini's sister, Fortuna, was a local baker. She is long gone, though. Her old bakery was on the road that enters the town. It used to be called Torte e Dolcetti, but who knows if it still exists. Christiano jotted the name down on the piece of paper. That's at least something. Thank you. I promise you that I will get her back. I won't let my guard down again. God be with you, my friend. Christiano put the phone down with a deeply pensive look on his face. He left his parent's room to find Marco in the hallway. I heard you had a little accident. Is everything okay? I'm fine. He limped back to his room. Marco followed him. Do you forget how small this town is? I heard you were thrown from a moving vehicle. What happened? The truth! I want to know about this Angelica? You can stop worrying about your little brother. Christiano packed his suitcase. I can take care of myself. Christiano, please. You've gone from model son to rogus. I've never seen you like this. Christiano brushed past him without a word and dropped his luggage in the hallway. He entered the room next door and tossed Angelica's belongings into her suitcase. Marco silently observed his every move. Christiano dropped the suitcase on the hallway, picked up his own and carried them downstairs.                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - He placed them beside the stack of supplies purchased earlier that day. Mama is worried sick, continued Marco as he tailed him down the stairs. I don't like to see her like this. There's nothing I can do about that. He left the house with as many items as he could carry and grimaced from pain as he placed the supplies in the boot. He returned for the remaining luggage. Marco watched him but offered no assistance. Mama, where are the keys to Nonno's cabin? She walked to the hall dresser, removed the keys and handed them to him. Son... Christiano shook his head and continued out of the door. Emilio grabbed his arm and pressed a bundle of cash into his hand. Stay safe. With his gaze lowered to the ground, Christiano nodded nodded and left.                                                                                    _______________________________________________________                    


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