{ PT.  1 } - Despite the urge to ram his foot down on the gas pedal, Ricardo drove along the motorway at normal speed under strict instruction to keep his activities within legal limits--as much as possible. The sun's radiating shards targeted his head with the precision of a laser beam. He pulled the visor down, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and fiddled with the air-conditioning controls, further decreasing the am bient temperature. Enzo looked irritated by his tinkering but said nothing. Instead, he lit a cigarette and turned his attention to the landscapes whizzing by his window. You think this priest is the father? Ricardo asked. Enzo drew the cigarette smoke deep into his lungs and let out a succession of smoke rings, Probably. If she was my woman, I'd tie them up and make them watch each other being tortured. Enzo rolled his eyes. All you need to know is that right now Don Primo perfers him dead. That means only if we get the chance. Don Primo will get him eventually. How can you be so laid back? We have to get him, for Don Primo. Listen to me! growled Enzo. Our priority is to get Angelica. Killing the priest is a bonus. We can get him another time when he lets his guard down, and he thinks he's safe. Whatever the case, he's walking dead man. Ricardo smiled and nodded. I like it when they relax and when they think they got away with it and, BAM. Oh, the shock on their face when you're holding a gun to their balls.                                      _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - ANGELICA, ROSA AND EMILIO                                 were  their lunch when Christiano returned from his shopping trip. He entered the hallway, wearily dropped his bags to the floor, and followed the remnants of gnocchi and pesto into the dining room. Sorry I missed lunch, Mama. I picked up some supplies for the cabin, Angelica scribbled on her board and help it up. He read it silently. I am sorry for you loss. Thank you, he said. Would you like some lunch, son? No thank you, Mama. I had pizza. Ah, from Vittorio's. She looked at Angelica. His favourite pizza place since he was a little boy. Angelica smiled. I've decided to leave for the cabin tonight. I just need a couple more things in town and a haircut. He ran his hand through his hair. Mama, will you take Angelica shopping and buy her whatever she needs? Angelica fidgeted uncomfortably. As your pregnancy progresses, you'll need the appropriate clothing, he added. She nodded reluctantly. Of course, son. Let me clean up, and we'll go. Angelica rose and began to gather dishes from the table. No, that's fine. I'll do it. Please go and rest. You look so tired, said Rosa. Angelica looked relieved, gave her a hug and left the room. She is a sweet young woman, said Rosa. I can tell she has feeling for you, son, said Emilio. Christiano collected the plates from the table, ignoring their comments. The front door opened and they all turned to the dining room entrance. Marco! announced Christiano with a smile. Little brother! Marco grabbed Christiano by the back of the neck and pulled him closer. What's this? he said, noticing his civilian clothing. It's called, off-duty. Since when do you ever stop being a priest? Perhaps I'm mellowing. You? Never! They laughed. Marco's smile faded. I'm sorry about Father Guido. Christiano repressed his grief behind a nod. His expression transformed to delight as Marco's wife and children entered behind him. Lina! He hugged Marco's wife. And little Emilio.                                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - He bent down and kissed the toddler in Lina's arms, noticing her little bump. You hardly show, when are you due? In four months. And how many more after this one? he added. One of us has to keep the Abbadelli long going, replied Marco. As Christiano chuckled, he noticed tow eyes peering from behind Lina. Lissandra! My how you have grown. He playfully lifted her up into the air. She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. She grows prettier by the day. Papa said you'd come with some mysterious woman, said Marco. Where is she? Upstairs. Marco nodded and continued to stare at Christiano as if waiting for more information. Christiano's face was as expressionless as a blank canvas. Marco's gaze drifted to his parents. Mama, Papa, as you know, it's our anniversary, and Lina's parents have gifted us with a weekend break to Venice. It's all last minute. Will you be able to long after the children? Of course, said Rosa, pleased. Are they staying from now? No, I'll bring them later. Is that okay? Yes, of course. I can't wait to have them. He turned to Christiano. How long are you staying brother? I'm leaving tonight. That's a pity, I hoped you'd be staying for at least a week, so we can catch up. Another time, Marco. I promise. Are you okay? You look tired and so skinny. He flicked his arms. Where have all those muscles gone? Have you stopped your yoga? I'm fine. I've been too busy to practise. Marco raised his brow. You really have mellowed. Are you sure you're okay? I'm good. Marco nodded, unconvinced. Well, look after yourself and make your visit longer next time. I will. After they had gone, Christiano turned to his parents. I had better go, too...Mama, you look after Angelica. Yes son, I will guard her with my life.                                                                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - AT A FEW MINUTES past four, Ricardo turned into the Abbadelli's road and parked a few metres from the red stone house in a space that offered a clear view of anyone coming or leaving. Moments later, the men caught sight of Rosa and Angelica leaving by the front door and continuing on foot past rows of townhouses in an assortment of shades. Will you look at that? Ricardo grin consumed his entire face. Lady Luck is on our side. What are the chances? Angelica's attention was on Rosa who was busy chatting, both of them oblivious to the danger that lurked just a few paces away. Should we grab her now? Enzo spotted four men in their twenties leave the house opposite their parked car. It's too risky, let them pass. I'll follow on foot. You follow with the car and park close to where they stop. We'll wait for an opportunity. He left and pursued them round the corner. Angelica and Rosa reached the shops where the streets buzzed with locals and tourists and entered a store with a pregnancy mannequin in the window modelling a red sundress. Enzo waited opposite while Ricardo found a parking space a few stores down, closer to the town's exit. He locked the car and made his way to Enzo, unaware that Christiano was waiting to have his hair cut in the barber's shop close by. Half an hour later, the women left the store with bigs of clothing and walked arm in arm along the bustling streets. The sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted on the air like a trail of crumbs, leading them all the way to the market square. Rosa approached a stall lined with olive-filled buckets and began speaking with the middle-aged trader. Angelica stood by her side as she sampled a Sicilian black olive, but soon found herself distracted by a stall selling a colourful array of scarves. She broke away, ventured towards it and picked up a shawl. She felt the texture of the delicate fabric.                                                                                      _______________________________________________________ { PT.  5 } - A beautiful shawl for a beautiful woman, said the trader. Angelica smiled. The scarves are hand-dyed by nuns at a convent in Crete. The vibrant colours will complement your dark looks. Please, try it on. Angelica wrapped the shawl around her neck. As she admired its beauty in the mirror, a blurred figure came to a stop behind her. Her gaze glanced at the spot where the figure stood and the blood drained from her cheeks. She spun round to meet with Enzo's solemn stare. They remined rooted for a few moments, their eyes doing all the talking. A passing stranger bumper against Angelica, breaking the concentration between them. Angelica ran. Hey, my scarf! Hey! called the trader. Angelica continued her desperate escape. As she pushed through the crowd, she collided with an obstacle with such force that the world around her blurred into a fuzzy haze of sounds and images. A vice-like grip clasped around her wrist, and all sounds merged into a cacophonic medley. She tried to move, but the grasp was firm. The coldness of steel poked into her ribs. The reverberations gradually formed crisp, coherent words as the faces before her merge into one. Ricardo's mouth stretched into a malign grin. Now while I'm not allowed to harm you, I will kill that bitch I saw you with. You know I'll do it. Angelica relaxed. That's more like it.                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - The trader's cries alerted Rosa to Angelica's absence. She bustled her way to the protesting woman who continued to shout and point to Angelica. She stole my scarf! Polizia! Ricardo ripped the shawl from Angelica's neck and pulled her away. It danced on the breeze and landed gracefully on the ground. As Rosa continued steaming through the crowd, a violent shove from behind sent her hurtling forward. She hit the concrete with a startling thud. A bolt of pain shot through her left wrist. Disoriented, she heard whisper in her ear, Stay down, or you'll be sorry. She tried to look up but saw only the perpetrator's feet walking in the same direction as Angelica and the people surrounded her.                                                                    THEY REACHED THE CAR and Angelica was bundled into the back seat. Enzo entered from the other side and buckled her in while Ricardo jumped into the driver's side and quickly manoeuvred the car out of space. His actions coincided with Christiano leaving the barber's shop and coming to a stop close by the car. Angelica pounded her fist on the window in a desperate bid to catch his attention. Momentarily stunned, Christiano lurched forward with the prowess of a panther. He clasped the tips of his fingers on the door handle. His mind, shocked and confused, fought with the unimaginable predicament before him. The pulled away and dragged him to the ground. He bounded up, unhindered, and raced after them. Ricardo speeded up regardless of the hazards on the road. People jumped out of the way, but Christiano's determined sprints were still catching up with them.                                                                        _______________________________________________________  { PT.  7 } - The car in front came to an abrupt stop. Ricardo hit the brakes and blasted the horn. He shouted obscenities at the driver who reversed with leisure into a parking space. This gave ample opportunity for Christiano to reach them. With a mammoth leap, he landed on the boot as if the soles of his shoes were magnetised. What the F...! shouted Ricardo. He pulled away with urgency as Christiaano clung on. Angelica and Enzo turned to the back--Angelica, distraught, riveted her eyes on Christiano. His concerned face stared back for a moment before he continued his climb to the roof. Determined bastard! Ricardo increased the pressure on the gas, only to find himself fast approaching an old three-wheeled truck travelling at a snail's pace. Let's see how he handles this! He slammed his foot on the brakes. The car screeched to a stop, and Christiano's body was flung several feet through the air. Angelica watched in horror. A rush of deep crimson spread acrossed before her eyes as if in slow motion. She wanted to scream. Her mouth contorted. Her body convulsed. Every pulsing vein was about to explode. Christiano! His name thundered from the deepest caverns of her throat like the eruption of a dormant volcano. He landed a few feet away in the open-back truck. Take that! shouted Ricardo as he hit the steering wheel with his palms. The distant sound of sirens blared behind them. Ricardo reached for his gun. I'' make sure he's dead. Wild with fury, Angelica pulled his head against the headrest and made frenzied scratches to his face. She peeled threads of his flesh.                                                                                                      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  8 } - Get her off me! He turned his gun towards her. Enzo knocked it out of his hand. You crazy! he yelled. He then subdued Angelica and released her grip on Ricardo's face. Get us out of here! he roared. Ricardo pressed his foot to the pedal and swerved round the truck as he struggled to recover. His face stung, and blood seeped from his wounds. As the car sped away, Angelica stared back for a sign of movement. There was none. A seething Ricardo dabbed at the painful scratches as he drove. You bitch! You're a wild animal. If it weren't for Enzo, you'd be dead! And you would have been next! shouted Enzo. When Don Primo gives an order you damn well follow it. Are we clear? His words had a sobering effect on Ricardo who glanced at him in the rear-view mirror. It was an instinctive reaction. And one you wouldn't have lived to regret. You won't tell Don Primo, will you? Right now, the police are our problem. Enzo turned to look at the speeding car fast approaching them. To his relief, the driver of the old truck flagged them down.                          _______________________________________________________                  


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