{ CHAPTER TWENTY TWO }                                                                                          It was early evening when Angelic found herself grudgingly back in the town she had fled more than a year previously, hoping never to return. To her, it was a nefarious place that held her darkest secrets; the demons in her life that she wanted to bury forever. As the car reached closer to its destination, her troubled past bubbled in her mind like a pot to raging water. Minutes later, Ricardo drove into the small, gated, staff-only car park of Don Primo's eatery and parked by rows of bushes that provided excellent seclusion from the restaurant's many clandestine activities. He opened the back door for Angelica who remained seated and motionless, concealing her anguish behind a mask of defiance. The blood on Ricardo's face was now dry, and in some places, his skin felt numb. In others, it stung like hell. He wrenched her out of the vehicle. Take it easy, said Enzo, who latched onto Angelica's arm. You know Ricardo, you look as if a cat pounced on your face and clawed you in a frenzy. He sniggered as he guided Angelica inside. Ricardo frowned, painfully, and checked his image in the car's wing mirror. That bitch! He gently pressed his wounds. Scowling bitterly, he stared at them for a moment. We'll see who gets the last laugh, old man.                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - He followed them through the side door of the restaurant. They entered a long corridor with marble flooring of burnt sienna and polished stone-washed walls. Enzo stopped by a solid steel door to his left. There's no point knocking. I didn't see any light from the car park window. He must be downstairs, said Ricardo. He opened an opaqus glass door to his right to see Don Primo making his way up the stairs. Don Primo stepped into the corrido, his icy stare straight ahead. Bring her into my office. Angelica was ushered inside and came to a stop by an umber-coloured sofa. Don Primo stayed outside for a few minutes, talking with his men before he entered and shut the door behind him. Angelica stood up straight and met his narrowed eyes with a deadpan stare. What followed was a short silence that felt decades long. Don Primo finally spoke, So, I heard another miracle happened today. Angelica remained silent. Am I going to have the pleasure of hearing your voice? She remained as still as a stone statue. Well, perhaps another time, then. By the way, Ricardo's face is priceless. It seems we've gained some balls at this convent of Santa Maria, or is it this priest? Who, by the way, will soon be dead, if he's not all ready. Angelica repressed the tears that wanted to spill like blood from an open wound. She pursed her lips but remained silent. So, he said, Angelica in love with a dead man. A surge of rage erupted through her body and vented itself as a thunderous roar. She pounded her fists against his chest. There she is! He grabbed her arms and thrust her backwards. Angelica fell onto the sofa behind her. Stand up! he shouted. He bent down, grabbed her neck and pulled her upwards. You dare to hit me! If that bastard priest of your isn't dead, he'll wish he was. He leaned into her face and spoke through gritted teeth, I'm going to cut off his balls and feed them to him in front of you. With a terse look, he let her go. Immaculate Conception my culo. You're nothing but a whore! With all the juice she could muster, she spat at his face.                                _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - He froze, taken by surprise and retaliated with the mighty force of a back-handed slap. To his utter shock, his hand rebounded; his energy deflected on impact with Angelica's face. While a rippling pain radiated the length of his arm, Angelica felt that she had been kissed by an angel. His arm dropped limply ton his side, but his expression remained unflinching. All the while a chaotic medley of confusion ricocheted through his mind. He pulled the steel door open with his good hand. You two get in here! Ricardo, tie her to that sofa. You are to stand outside this door. No one comes in or out without my permission. Yes Boss, he said as he tied her up. Enzo, you go home to my sister, she's been driving me crazy all night complaining that I keep sending you away. Come back tomorrow morning. Boss. As Enzo reached the door, Don Primo added, You're lucky you two didn't mess this up. I was losing my patience. Ricardo tied the last knot which secured Angelica firmly to the sofa. I'll be outside if you need me, Boss. The door clunked closed leaving them alone once more. Don Primo smiled in amusement. You'll regret the day you left me. He moved in close to her face. You mean nothing to me, now. You're damaged goods. In fact, you've always been damaged goods. He left the room and stopped outside to speak to Ricardo. Don't let her out of your sight. Yes, Boss. When the restaurant closes, take her down to the wine cellar and keep her there. You are to stay in the restaurant all night. Yes, Don Primo. I don't want you engaging in conversation with her. Is that clear? Yes, Boss. Don't tell her she's being sold. Yes, Boss. And no retaliation for what she did to your face. Am I clear? Yes, Boss. I would never... Lock the door behind me. He left by the side entrance that led to the car park.                      ______________________________________________________    { PT.  4 } - Don Primo's driver, who was waiting in the white Mercedes, got out of the car and opened the door for him. Don Primo entered. Straight home, Boss? Yes, Benito. On the drive home, Don Primo sat in silence, his arm as limp as a piece of string. He tried to move his fingers but winced, quietly to himself. He took out his mobile and spoke the word Cardinal into the phone. Calling, Cardinal, replied a robotic male voice. The phone was answered in three rings. Mr. Pulsoni, echoed the Cardinal through the phone. I have her, he said. Excellent news! You are a man of your word. I shall send my representative, Sammel, to collect her, with the rest of your money of course. What time will he be here? By about noon tomorrow. Does that work for you? That's perfectly fine. The sooner, the better. Splendid! said the Cardinal. Until tomorrow then.              _______________________________________________________                    


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