{ PT.  1 } - An exhausted Christiano sipped a strong cup of espressp at the dining table of his parent's home. The porcelain clock on the cabinet behind him chimed eleven times. An anguished Rosa sat at the head of the table, to his left. Christiano, you look as if you hold the weight of the world on your shoulders. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and took another sip of coffee. Son, forgive me for what I am about to ask, but are you responsible for this woman's condition? nothing gets past you, Mama... No, I'm not responsible. I have protecting her, actually. By whom? Is she in danger? Perhaps the less you know, the better. She placed her hand over his. If you are in trouble I need to know. How can we help you? I will take her to Nonno's mountain cabin. We will leave tomorrow, or maybe tonight. Son, you're scaring me. Who is this woman? Whose child does she carry? Christiano shook his head with a look that showed the full impact of his burden. Christiano, please. Tears formed in her eyes. Mama, do you remember what happened to me when I was ten? Why do you bring this up? I want you to tell me the story.                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - She remained silent for a moment as she gazed at him inquisitively. Please, Mama, I just need to hear it again. Not the bedtime story version for a child. Just tell me what happened. You're the one who knows, son. My information came from you. But I was so young. You remember it like it was yesterday. don't you? How could a mother forget such a thing? So, please Mama. I have good reason to ask. Okay, son. You were at school. It was playtime, and the teacher sent you to take out the trash. It was a punishment because you were disruptive in class. Yes, I remember that. When you reached the bins you saw a beautiful woman who reminded you of the Virgin Mary. She was standing by the bins holding a baby in her arms. She looked troubled and told you her son was in danger.    _______________________________________________________ { PT.  3 } - She asked you to look after him and handed him to you. You took him and ran straight out of school. We had no idea where you had gone. She wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue. You disappeared for three days and nights. I was beside myself with worry. An old hermit saw you walking through the woods with your arms outstretched as if you were holding a precious package--but there was nothing there. That's the point, Mama, there was. I was holding the baby. She nodded and started to cry. When they brought you back to me, I noticed the mark she touched the cruciform mole beneath his left eye. I asked you how you got it and what you told me has remained branded to my memory. She stopped for a moment and looked straight into his eyes. You told me that while you were looking down at the baby in your arms, he reached his hand towards your face and touched you beneath your left eyes. Christiano grasped his mother's hand. As I grew up, I thought this was a sign that I should become a priest, but I thank I was being chosen for a greater task. One That I could never have imagined. What task, son? this woman? Angelica claims to have had a vision of the blessed Mary handing her the Christ child. As she held him in her arms, he disappeared into her womb.                                                                  _______________________________________________________ { PT.  4 } - A month later, she was pregnant. Are you saying what I think you're saying? I don't know, Mama. I feel like a crazy man. Santa Maria. She made the sign of the cross. Did she tell you this? No, I read it in a newspaper article. He shook his head. It's a long story. How do you know it's true? Mama, a lot has happened these past few weeks. The Abbess and Father Cavallo seem certain that no man has been near Angelica for the past year. Also, he gulped, the Abbess is dead. What? I can't go into detail, Mama. Please just trust me. Rosa clasped her hands in prayer and closed her eyes. She remained in quiet reflection for a few moments. When she opened them, she said, Do not have doubts, Christiano. It is clear you need to protect this woman and her child. Have faith in this knowledge. Christiano nodded and gazed down at the table with a burdensome weight tugging at his shoulders. Is there more, son? Have you feelings for her? Christiano remained silent for a moment. I need to see Father Guido. Rosa's face turned pale. I'm sorry Christiano, but Father Guido died yesterday. I was going to call, but you called me and left me a message that you were coming. I thought it best to wait until you had arrived. His face collapsed with grief. How did he die? Peacefully in his sleep. He was an old man. Will you be staying for the funeral? I cannot. He wiped a solitary tear from his eyes. In fact, I had better stay away altogether. I stick with civilian clothing while I'm here.                                                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - Son, will this trouble affect your career? He sighed and nodded. Rosa gripped his hands. Christiano, it's like you said, God has other plans for you. Yes, Mama. Rosa noticed Angelica standing in the doorway. Welcome. Welcome. Did you have a good sleep? She rose from her seat and gestured for her guest to sit down. Please. She pulled out the chair opposite Christiano. Take a seat. Angelica walked gingerly to the chair and sat down, her gaze on Christiano. A concerned Rosa looked from one to the other. You must be hungry. I will get you something. She made her way to the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone. Angelica studied Christiano's anguished face and scribbled on her board. Are you okay? Yes, I'm fine. Tomorrow, or maybe tonight, we'll leave for my Nonno's mountain cabin, about a couple of hours from here. You'll be safe there. A look of anxiety crossed her face. She scribbled on her board. Are you leaving me there, alone? Of course not. I will stay with you until the child is born and until I find somewhere safe for you both to live. Angelica's concern was replaced with relief. Rosa entered the room with a camomile tea and placed it on the table. She returned moments later with fette biscottate, apricot jam, and cornetti. Would you like some fruit? Figs, perhaps? Angelica nodded, and Rosa left the room. How are you feeling? asked Christiano. She smiled by way of reply, took a sip of her tea and spread the thick apricot jam on her toast. She took a hearty crunch into the crispbread. He found himself immersed in her every poetic action.                                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - Rosa entered with the figs and set them down on the table, her eyes on her son. She cleared her son. She cleared her throat and woke him from his wistfulness. He caught his mother's knowing stare and lowered his gaze. I'm planning a late lunch today. Is two-thirty okay? That's fine with me. I have a few errands to run in town. He got up from his seat. Angelica, I will see you later. She nodded and carried on munching her food. See you later, Mama. He kissed her on the forehead, made his way to the front door and shut it behind him. An awkward silence was left in his place.                        ______________________________________________________   


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