{ CHAPTER  TWENTY  FOUR }                                                                                     { PT.  1 } - Christiano reached the hilltop town in the early hours of the morning. He parked on the outskirts of a medieval citadel of monotone stone buildings that stretched up to the crest of a hill. Each structure progressively towered over the next and continued higher and higher as if on a quest to reach the heavens. He took two painkillers, waited for a few more minutes until seven o'clock and then left his vehicle. He made his way on foot along the tapered winding pathways. The sun's basking rays warmed his shoulders as he walked beneath aged stone archways and continued along a succession of circuitous roads, in what seemed like an infinite spiral. Along the way, he passed a few locals going about their business and tourists who had arrived early for a tour of the old town. As he walked, the aroma bread wafted to his nostrils. His grumbling stomach reminded him that he had not eaten since yesterday lunchtime. His nose followed the welcoming scent to a young woman inside a bakery stacking hot freshly baked rolls. Above the door, in fanciful lettering, were the words Torte e Dolcatti. Unable to believe his luck, he entered the shop and pretended to look around.    _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - The young woman glanced up with a smile that showed a glimmer of intrigue at the bruises on his face. May I help you, Father? Yes, two sfogli-atelle and a double espresso, please? He eyed a cross with ruby inlays dangling from her neck. What flavours would you like? Two almond, please. The woman nodded and smiled, placed the pastries into a paper bag, and turned away to make the coffee. As she prepared the machine, Christiano eased in with his first question. Is Fortuna here? The woman froze for a moment, and the atmosphere turned palpably tense. She returned to her task of pouring the coffee into a Styrofoam cup and placed a lid over the top. Fortuna is no longer here, Father. She turned to face him and handed him the items. Do you know where I might find her? I'm a god friend of her sister. It's important I give her some news. I was unaware that she had a sister. What's her name? Abbess Francesca Rossini. Her sister is a nun? Yes, I am a priest at the convent where her sister was the Abbess. I have come with urgent news of her tragic passing. The young woman stood speechless. With her contemplative gaze on Christiano, she nervously chewed on her bottom lip and fiddled with the cross around her neck. What happened to your face? she eventually asked.                                                                             ________________________________________________________ { PT.  3 } - I was in a car accident. It looks worse than it is. She nodded as if accepting his story and walked to the shop entrance. She glanced outside before she shut and locked the door. Come this way. She ushered him around the till and into an office. Christiano entered the cubicle-sized room and leaned against a desk. May I ask your name, Father? Of course, I am Father Abbadelli. Are you? Marco Falce, Father. May I ask how Frotuna's sister died? Christiano looked to the ground and spoke with a tremble in his voice. She was killed by one of Don Primo's men. The woman scowled at the mention of Don Primo. Chritiano remained silent. The truth is I don't know where sshe is, she admitted. She moved away from here over a year age. The exact same time as... she stopped speaking. The exact same time Angelica went missin? You know her? He nodded. I do. She was under the Abbess's care, until... He lowered his gaze. Please tell me what happened. One day everything was normal, and by the next morning, Fortuna and Angelica were gone. She left me a note stating that she'd put the bakery in my name. I was her assistant, you see. What happened when Don Primo"s men came looking for her? I was terrified, but I knew nothing. I showed them the note hoping they would believe me.                                                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - They must have because they left me alone after that. How do you know Angelica? I was at school with her until that awful... thing happened to her. She didn't come back after that Nobody ever speaks about what happened, before or after the rape. Such a tragedy. Christiano's guts somesaulted. An injection of bile hit the back of his throat. We'll, she has come a long way since then. He feigned knowledge of the incident. How old were you? He downed his double espresso to remove that taste of sick in his mouth and tossed the cup in the bin. I was thirteen. We are the same age. Christiano swallowed hard as a feeling of lightness swirled around his head. Forgive me. Although I am aware of the incident, I am lacking in certain elements to gain a complete picture. How did she become Don Primo's mistress? Father, you are asking a lot of questions about a subject no one would dare mention in this town. Please do not go making enquiries of this kind around here. Even a priest will find himself in danger.                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - Of course, it's just that the subject came up and Angelica was... is under my care at the convent since the Abbess's death. What do you need to know, Father? Please, just tell me everything you know. Fortuna was friends with Angelica's grandmother, Esta. She told me that Don Primo had the rapist killed. Well. that was the little whisper around town. There was no proof. The man wasn't from this town. He was a vagrant passing through, but what he did to her was horrendous. Christiano repressed the tears that wanted to spill from his eyes. Why did Don Primo have the man killed? He came into his town and committed a serious crime. Don Primo would never put up with that. Fortuna said that Don Primo took responsibility for her after that. Her parents had died two years earlier in a car crash. She had only her grandmother, but she was old and unwell. When Esta died, Angelica was sixteen and a stunner. All I heard was that she became Don Primo's mistress. At sixteen? She nodded. Okay, why not his wife? Is he married? Yes.                                                          _______________________________________________________ { PT.  6 } - He was married long before Angelica, and he has children around my age. She would never have been able to give him that anyway, so it's just as well. What do you mean? About what? Why wouldn't Angelica have been able to give him children? Look, perhaps this is getting a little personal. Please, believe me, I have only her best intentions at heart. The woman looked down as if feeling cornered. I heard that due to the complications and horrific wounds inflicted on her during her... ordeal that it left her unable to have children. I told you, the man was a savage. What he did... She shuddered, unable to finish her sentence. She looked up at Christiano. From what I heard, I'm surprised she even lived through it. She never spoke again, anyway. forgive me for pushing this line of enquiry but how are you so certain that she cannot have children? It's a small town, Father. The officer who was in charge of the the case was going to court, the man had been caught, and so the doctor submitted a report. Then the man mysteriously died. He was found dead in his cell. They said it was a drug overdose but how he came by the drugs... as I said... anyway, it never went to court. What did the report say? Did you see it? No, I was just a teenager. It was a very sad case. All I know is that the doctor made sure he stressed the point about her infertility to ensure the man went away for a long time. Well, anyway, you know the rest. After she became Don Primo's property, she had a guard with her wherever she went. Don Primo's wife knows, but nobody dares mention It.                                _______________________________________________________  { PT.  7 } - I suppose, what can she do? Do you know where I can find Don Primo? She shook her head. I have said too much already. Please, I ask just one more thing. She made a burdensome sigh. He owns a restaurant about half an hour's walk from here. It has a stone front, and it's called Aquilon Ristorante. Be careful, Father. Thank you. Please, keep this to yourself. like I said, these are deep, dark secrets no one ever speaks about round here. I owe Fortuna everything, and I know how much she loved Angelica. But please, you must leave through the back alley. I don't want any trouble. She showed him into the kitchen area and through a short passage that led to an alleyway. Turn left out of here, walk all the way to the top and turn right. That will lead you back onto the main road. Keep going for about half an hour until you pass beneath two successive arches, follow the road round and take the first right. The restaurant is on that road. Thank you. You've been very helpful. Christiano left through the back door, turned left as instructed and found his way back onto the main road. With his appetite quashed, he put the sfogliatelle into his rucksack. As he walked, Maria's words haunted his mind. He ducked into an alleyway, collapsed into a squat, and allowed himself to wholly grieve Angelica's tragic story.                    THE WHITE MERCEDES STOPPED - before the electric gates at eight in the morning. Benito pressed the button on a remote control and the gates crept open at the pace of an old Galapagos tortoise. He parked close by the side entrance to the restaurant and opened the door for his Boss. As he left the vehicle, Don Primo's face was like an impenetrable fortress. His right arm was a sling, and his bandaged hand limply held a greasy paper bag. They entered the building through the side door. Wait in my office, he said.                _______________________________________________________  { PT.  8 } - Benito did as instructed and Don Primo continued through the opaque door on his right and down the stairs to the restaurant, Ricardo was awakened by Don Primo's clomping. He quickly tidied himself up, hoping to look as if he'd been awake all night. Boss, he said as he stood up. How was it last night? Ricardo noticed his arm. What happened Boss, are you okay? I asked you a question. She didn't give me any trouble, Boss. She's asleep, I think. Did she speak again? No, Boss, like I said, she was quiet. I'm keeping the restaurant closed today. Call the staff and tell them not to come in. Tell them they'll be paid, just the same. Yes, Don Primo. And make sure all the men come in today. I want them here for when this man arrives at noon. Sure thing, Boss. After you've made all the calls, you can go home and sleep, but be back before noon. Yes Don Primo thank you... Boss. Don Primo made his way behind the bar, walked beneath an alcove and entered an extended room lined with wine racks. Angelica was tied to a sofa in a part of the cellar normally used for staff breaks. Her eyes remained closed. He stared at her for a while. A glimmer of fondness spread across his face. She opened her eyes and his demeanour hardened. He united her and tossed the paper bag at her. Breakfast. She opened the bag, removed the pastry inside and bit into it like an animal ravaged by hunger. Don Primo sat down opposite her. If you were hungry you should have asked Ricardo for food. She eyed his bandaged arm as she ate. So we're still not talking? He stared at her for a while. Just tell me this one thing. She looked at him with seeming lack of interest as she chewed.                                                                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  9 } - Why did you leave? She stopped eating and scribbled on a notepad lying on a coffee table nearby. I was sixteen. You had no right. Don Primo maintained his composure and made a slight nod of his head. You never complained at the time. He scratched the top of his nose. You gave me the impression you liked me. Angelica scribbled avidly. Don Primo's eyes moved along the words. I was young and naive. You treated my like a princess, but then I grew up. You would never have let me go. His face remained blank. You're right. Nobody leaves me until I say so.                                                CHRISTIANO PASSED BENEATH THE - two successive arches and followed the road as instructed by Maria. He stopped just before the right turn, a dead-end road, and noticed the restaurant opposite. The impressive stone facade lent the premises the look of a fancy cave entrance. It took up a substantial amount of space along the closed road, no doubt a pricey piece of real estate for the privacy it afforded. As Christiano surveyed his surroundings, he saw the familiar frame of Ricardo leave by a side door in the car park and enter a vehicle remarkably like the one he was thrown from only yesterday. As the gates opened, he swiftly backed himself round the corner and hid in an alcove. He peered out as the car drove by, confirming Ricardo as the driver. As the vehicle disappeared round the curved road, he looked back to the restaurant to see the gates coming to a close. He made a dash for the narrowing gap and just managed to slip through.                                                                    _______________________________________________________  { PT.  10 } - He headed straight for the bushes, took a giant leap over a hedge and landed with a soundless thud on the dry mud. His face contorted with pain as the impact and movement took its toll on his bruised body. He grimaced and took slow, deep breaths to stop himself from crying out. He shoved two painkillers into his mouth and learned against a bush to normalise his breathing. Now it was time to wait.                                                                                            _______________________________________________________   


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