{ PT. } -  Sammel Gruner sat on the umber-coloured sofa in Don Primo's office sipping ice-cold water from a glass beaded with condensation. As a seasoned veteran, working as a body-guard for the rich and famous, he was accustomed to danger and fully trained in combat. However, ten to one did not carry good odds. He was outnumbered and in someone else's territory with only his wits as his weapon. Beneath the cool exterior of his dark suit and shades, he excelled in concealing the knot of dread wringing his guts into a twisted mass. From behind his desk, Don Primo scrutinised him for any weakness, any sign that he could use to his advantage. He saw none. I gather my money's in the case. Sammel's legs gripped the brief-case at his feet. That is correct. He spoke in a sharp, accented tone that was a stiff as a corpse, to the point, and replete with effciency. The briefcase contains one million euros, the second instalment as arranged with His Eminence. Don Primo's eyes glinted like diamonds. Enzo, get away from that window and call Ricardo to fetch Angelica. Sure thing, Boss. He entered the corridor where seven thugs waited silently for orders and made his way down the steps to the basement restaurant.                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 }   Ricardo sat opposite Angelica maintaining a scowling gaze, to which she looked impervious. The Boss wants her upstairs. He glanced fleetingly at Angelica before heading back to the office. It's time, said Ricardo. He grabbed her arm and yanked her from her seat, a triumphant smirk on his face. Angelica resisted, dragging her heels as he laboured to pull her through the empty restaurant up every step until they reached the top. BACK IN THE OFFICE, guilt seeped through Don Primo's mind like rot in a fallen apple. Where are you taking her? he said. As far as I know, that information is on a need-to-know basis. I am fully aware of your agreement with His Eminence, replied Sammel. Don Primo stamped his cigarette into the ashtray and was about to rain thunderbolts on Sammel when the door opened. Angelica, pushed roughly from behind, stumbled into the office. With her presence now in the room, his guilt intensified. He remained seated, unable to meet her gaze, his anger quashed. Angelica stared with curious dread at the stranger with the briefcase at his feet. Keep her hands tied, instructed Sammel as he stood up. What's going on? Angelica turned to Don Primo. Hearing her speak for the first time forced his head up, but now was not the time to acknowledge it. Instead, he turned to Sammel who was walking towards him. Sammel placed the briefcase on his desk. Here is. . . Not in front of her! snapped Don Primo.                                    _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - As you wish. He turned to Ricardo. Take her to the car and tell my driver I'll be there shortly. Don Primo slammed his fist on the desk and stood up. Let's get something straight, I give my men orders, not you! Sammel's already chiselled features hardened. He clenched his jaw, sucking it all in. Of course. My apologies. Don Primo nodded at Ricardo, who proceeded to drag Angelica out of the room. She resisted, shouting abuse at Don Primo. Bastardo! Bastardo! She spat on the ground as she disappeared round the doorway. Let's just get this done, said Don Primo.                                RICARDO GRIPPED ANGELICA  TIED - hands and pushed her through the side door and into the car park. She continued to resist, dropping to the ground like a dead weight. He scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way to the limousine. She kicked and writhed in protest. With his head lowed, a disguised Chrsitiano waited outside the car. He opened the back passenger door with speedy efficiency and Ricardo dropped to buckle her seatbelt, the height of his ear danced teasingly across her vision. She bit into it savagely. He yelped, pushed her head away and stopped to stare at her, his raging eyes plastered with incredulity. He raised his fist for a brutal retaliation, but instead, a smug grin returned to his clawed face. He dropped his fist to his side, leaned in close to her ear and said, If I haven't already killed him, I'll give your lover priest your regards as I finish the job... slowly. She spat, just missing her mark as he slammed the door with a sneer. She's all yours! he said, heading back to the building. Christiano swiftly entered the driver's side and locked the doors. As soon as Ricardo had entered the building and the door was shut behind him, Christiano started the engine, revered the limousine and rammed through the gates at high speed. He manoeuvred the car along the snaking roads like a Formula One driver. Everyone in the office scrambled to the window to see what was left of the gnarled and twisted gates crashing to the ground. What the hell... said Sammel.                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - Is this some kind of trick? Don Primo turned to him in shock, then back to an equally bewildered Ricardo and Enzo. Don't just stand there, go after them. The men followed them, each man poised for action. Ricardo reached his car and pulled on the door handle. Don't brother, said Enzo. He pointed to the car tyres. The rest of the men followed his staunch fingers to see that every tyre in the cae park was flat. Don Primo came out of the building. Why isn't anyone moving? The tyres, Boss, said Ricardo. Don Primo looked at the cars, noticing that the tyres of his own Mercedes had been slashed. Sammel reached his side. What happened? Your chauffeur took off with her, that's what. As far as I'm concerned that equals delivery. And you'll pay extra for the broken gates and the tyres. Sammel's startling six-foot-five frame cast a shadow over Don Primo. We'll see what His Eminence has to say about that. I wasn't asking, said Don Primo unfazed by his size. Sammel warily turned his head from left to right, realising that Don Primo's thugs had formed a circle around him. He gulped, took a deep breath and suddenly tilted his head with curiosity. Ahead of him, amidst the bushes, was a white protrusion that seemed odd against the starkness of the dark mud and green foliage. He made his way towards it. Don Primo followed him, beckoning with a nod of his head for Ricardo and Enzo to follow. They all peered over Sammel's shoulder as he knelt down for a closer look. With slight trepidation, Sammel reached out and touched the item.                                                        _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - As he snapped his hand back, it took milliseconds for his eyes and brain to register. He pushed the bush aside to find a solitary hand lying across the dry mud. Is it attached to a body? asked Ricardo. Sammel pulled the hedges apart and bustled apart and bustled his way through the bushes to see an unconscious Johan stripped down to his pants. It appears so. The others entered behind him. He felt Johan's neck for a pulse. And he's alive. Who is he? asked Don Primo. Johan, my chauffeur. Four nonplussed men stood staring at Johan's partly clothed and unconscious body. Enzo was the one to notice the heap of black clothing tucked beneath a hedge. He pulled it out. I think we can guess who our fake chauffeur is. He held the priestly garments in the air. That the priest, said an astonished Don Primo. Well he's a resourceful priest, said Sammel. I'll give him that. Don Primo's face grew crimson and his body trembled with rage. He looked at Ricardo. Don't you notice the chauffeur was the priest? I didn't look at him, Boss. Plus, I've never seen him close up. Don Primo pointed an accusing finger at his men. You two were supposed to take care of this. Ricardo sent a scathing glare at Enzo. Go back to his home town and visit his family. I want answers. Yes Don Primo. They started to leave. and, he said, walking towards them--he leaned in, sotto voce--I want you to kill the entire family.  SAMMEL GENTLY SLAPPED JOHAN'S face. He gradually came to, grimacing from pain, and put his hand to his head. He pulled away blood-stained fingers. What happened? he murmured. That's exactly what we want to know, replied Sammel. I was somking by the car and that's the last thing I remember. Don Primo knelt down and picked up a large branch from the floor. There's blood on here. He showed it to Sammel. Well Johan, His Eminence is not going to be pleased with you. Come on let's get you inside.      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - ANGELICA EYED THE DARK glass concealing the identity of her knight is shining armour. The limousine had slowed its pace, not that it was any less conspicuous. She lifted her leg and banged her foot against the screen. Seconds later it glided down. Christiano removed his cap and winked at her through the rear view mirror. You're alive, she blurted with joyous relief. Christiano swerved to avoid hitting a parked car. You're speaking! A girlish giggle left her lips. You made it happen. Me. . . How? When I saw you flying off Ricardo's car, something just ripped through me. I discovered it was my voice, screaming your name. That's wonderful. You have the voice of a melodious harp. He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. A concerned expression replaced his joy. Did they hurt you; lay a finger on you? I'm okay. I can't believe you came for me. Of course. I made a promise. Is that the only reason? Their eyes met in the rear-view mirror. Hers searched his for the right answer. I'll unite you soon. You're safe now. I won't let them take you again. They reached the town's boundary and Christiano parked the lengthy vehicle with little care for its safety. We'd better hurry. They'll be close behind. He entered the back and united her. She wrapped her arms around him, unabashedly. I thought you were dead. His heart fluttered. He felt intoxicated. I'm tougher than they realise. His speech was barely audible. She gripped him tighter. With their bodies pressed together, he cound not deny the feeling coursing through him. He cupped her face in his hands and they gazed at each other; their foreheads touching; the warmth of their breaths teasing each other's lips. Inching ever closer. Christiano came to his senses. We must leave. He pulled away. She nodded, disappointed. It wasn't the promise. I came because I care about you.                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  7 } - She smiled and leaned in close to his face again, wetting his cheeks with her tears. Thank you. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude. We really must go, his lips from meeting hers. As they moved apart Angelica caught sight of the newspaper on the seat by her side. She picked it up and briefly scanned the article. Her eyes grew wide with shock. It was Sister Celeste's doing, said Christiano. She has caused a lot of trouble. I will answer your questions shortly. But now, we really must go. Angelica placed the newspaper beneath her arm. Her face wore a frown as they walked. Christiano tried to comfort her. You know hardly anyone reads those papers. I, myself, only discovered it through Father Cavallo. Then how is it all the wrong people managed to get a copy? The Abbess is dead. You were nearly killed. It will blow over. How? Don Primo will never stop and neither with the Cardinal, it seems. Christiano stopped walking and turned to her. He gently gripped her arms. i made a promise to keep you safe. We wll go somewhere where they will never find us. He affectionately brushed her cheek. Don Primo and the Cardinal did not count on someone like me by your side. She smiled. His words filled her with relief and comfort. You can fight them off, can you? Then tell me, what were you going to do if that man had got into the car with me? To be honest, I hadn't thought that far ahead. She nodded, amused. And what happened to the man whose  clothes you're wearing?                                                                                    _______________________________________________________ { PT.  8 } - JOHAN LAY ON THE sofa in Don Primo's office holding an icepack to the wound on the back of his head. Alessandro, the youngest of Don Primo's men, entered the office with some uniforms for waiters and chefs. He handed the pile to Johan. Thank you, he said sheepishly. He proceeded to put on a pair of black trousers and a white shirt--a little self-conscious of the stares as he was dressing. What happened, exactly? asked Sammel. It was like I said, I was having a smoke, and the next minute, I woke to see you kneeling over me. Was anything else taken, apart from your clothing? He shook his head. Where's your phone? I accidentally left it at home, today. Are you sure? I have never--Your man will live, interrupted Don Primo. What about my money? I'm sorry but no delivery, no money. If security was better around here... Don Primo pounced like a one-armed wolf, pinning Sammel to the wall. His men stood behind him, sniggering at the giant held by the neck with just one hand. That doesn't work for me, said Don Primo. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement, after all, said Sammel, struggling to speak with a hand wrapped around his throat. The only agreement I will make is one where I'm paid. If I could just call His Eminence. I must follow his orders. Don Primo let go of Sammel and walked nonchalantly to his desk. Go ahead, call him.                                      _______________________________________________________ { PT.  9 } - Sammel rubbed his throat. The redness in his skin slowly retracted as oxygen moved unhindered through his lungs once more. He removed his phone from his pocket and dialled the number as he approached the door to take the call outside. Two harder men in their fifties blocked his path. Their arms were as well muscled as their protruding bellies were large. Let him pass. He's not going anywhere, said Don Primo. Sammel entered the car park and waited for the Cardinal to answer his call. I hope you have good news for me. The Cardinal's voice echoed through the earpiece. He winced. Your Eminence, I am sorry to tell you that the priest has escaped with the girl. Sammel Gruner, are you calling to have lost her again? With respect Your Eminence, I had nothing to do with losing her the firt time... Enough! Yes, Your Eminence. What happened? Sammel recounted the incident to the Cardinal. Johan seems to have no wits about him at all. I will deal with him on his return. In the meantime, get a taxi back, or rent a car. Yrs, Your Eminence, but we have another problem. And what would that be? Don Primo wants his money. I'm outnumber here. If he's not paid, I don't think we will return at all.                                                                                          _______________________________________________________ { PT.  10 } - Well, you have only yourselves to blame. May I make a suggestion, Your Eminence? If you must. He has already sent his men after them. May I suggest keeping him involved and perhaps getting him to deliver the girl to Rome? I am better able to take care of him there. Are you suggesting I pay him? Not only are you willing to pay him for the undelivered package but you will give him one million more if he brings her to Rome. Are you out of your mind? Rest assured, he and his men will never leave Rome. And I will be two million worse for it. A small price to pay for the delivery of the girl and the elimination of all witnesses, Your Eminence. A rush of dead air met his ear. Pass the phone to Mr. Pulsoni, will you Sammel. Yes, Your Eminence. He made a relieved, if not satisfied grin, as he headed back into the building. His Eminence wishes to speak with you. Don Primo took the phone and held it against his chest. Alessandro, have Enzo and Ricardo left? Yes, Boss. They went to get Ricardo's wife's car. He moved the phone to his ear. Cardinal. The Cardinal maintained an imperious composure. Mr. Pulsoni, Sammel tells me that you have already dispatched your men to fetch our precious package. Am I correct? You are. Then we are still in business. Are we not? I'm not sure. I may just take my money and keep her. Now, now, Mr. Pulsoni, I am a man of my word. You may have the money with my blessing, and there is another one million if you deliver her to Rome. There was silence as Don Primo churned it all around in his mind.                                                                          _______________________________________________________ { PT.  11 } - The Cardinal continued, How wealthy do you want to be Mr. Pulsoni? Can you imagine the immense advantage that comes with a direct connection to the Vatican? I can make you a very wealthy man, untouchable by God himself. How would you like to be under the Vatican's blessed employ? What sort of work are we talking about? The sort your unique talents call for, Mr. Pulsoni. Don Primo scratched his chin. Okay, I will deliver her to Rome. And, I accept your offer of employment, but on my terms. If I don't like the job, I don't do it. Is that clear? Crystal, Mr. Pulsoni. Then we have a deal.                                                                                                        _______________________________________________________     


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