( CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE )  -  { PT.  1 }                                                            As mid-morning smiled on the old Tuscan town, Christiano realised he was starving. He rummaged in his rucksack for one of the sfogliatella he has purchased from Maria and bit into the crumbly pastry. His stomach welcomed the influx of food as the bitter-sweet marzipan settled on his tongue. All the while he maintained a vigilant eyes on the building opposite. Enzo had been the first to arrive at around nine. He had parked next to a white Mercedes, which Christiano guessed belongd to Dom Primo. As he satisfied his appetite, a car reached the electric gates and entered the car park. Two stout men in their way through the restaurant's side door. Soon after, another car arrived, and for about half an hour the gate sporadically opened and closed, five more cars pulling in and parking. Each time, one or two men left their vehicle completely unaware of Christiano's surveillance. By now Christiano's limbs were numb and aching; the hard, lumpy ground pushed against his already bruised flesh. Despite the welcoming shade of the surrounding trees, he sweated from the rising midday heat. He took a sip of water and wiped his brow.                                                                                        __________________________________________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - Twenty minutes before noon, Ricardo drove into the car park. THE CARDINAL'S LIMOUSINE MADE - its grand entrance into town. Behind the wheel, Johan was dressed in a grey suit complete with a chauffeur's cap. The privacy screen was up and the intercom off, shielding Sammel in the cab. His wide glinting eyes ogled the wads of cash neatly lined and stacked in an orderly fashion. He shut the briefcase and placed it next to him, on top of a folder copy of II Cospiratore.  IT WAS NOW A quarter past noon and forth minutes before the last movement. Christiano made a thorough scan of his surroundings before he dashed for the window opposite. He sneaked a peek through the glass, into an office. A man sat on a sofa, reading a newspaper. The door ahead of Christiano opened, and an authoritative figure with milk-white hair and a bandaged arm entered the room. Following behind him, he recognised Enzo and the characteristic scar running from his right eye. The distant sound of an approaching vehicle carried on the wind. He darted for the bushes, slipped between two hedges and dived to the ground, wincing as he landed in his right arm. He stuffed two painkillers into his mouth as he peered through the foliage at who had arrived. The Cardinal's familiar black limousine waited patiently behind the retracting gates.  ______________________________________________________ 

{ PT.  3 } - It entered and stopped in a space closed by the hedges. Its large presence overshadowed the white Mercedes. He recognised the chauffeur, who stepped out and opened the back door. Christiano was surprised that it was surprised that it was not the Cardinal leaving the car, but a tall man of athletic build with chiselled features and hair gelled into half-inch spikes that resembled peak of meringue. Cuffed to his wrist was a briefcase. Angelica's fate dawned on him. The side door to the building opened and Enzo stepped in front of the entrance. You wait here, said Sammel. Johan nodded. Sammel strutted towards Enzo and offered his hand as he reached him. Enzo did not return the gesture but motioned for Sammel to  raise his arms. He did as instructed and Enzo proceeded to frisk him. Satisfied, he gestured for him to enter. As the door shut behind them, Johan relaxed and leaned against the bonnet of the limousine. He removed a packet of cigarettes from his top pocket, pulled one out and lit it, taking slow, savouring puffs. Christiano searched the ground to find a fallen branch close by. He picked it up and tested its strength and firmness by making a few practised waves through the air and hitting his open palm. Satisfied, he removed his shoes, emerged from the bushes and methodically made his way to the unsuspecting chauffeur. Johan was checking for messages on his phone when Christiano reached him. He remained oblivious as Christiano slowly raised the branch above his head. The sweat on Christiano's face dripped like rain. He steadied his breath. A burst of guilt flashed across his face as he brought the stick down with a heavy hand on Johan's head. The dazed chauffeur dropped to the ground. His cell phone fell to his side. Christiano slipped the phone into his pocket, scooped Johan beneath his armpits, and pulled him into the bushes. He released him on the ground and checked for a pulse. The man was still breathing.                                                       ________________________________________________________ { PT.  4 } - He made a sigh of relief and searched the chauffeur's pockets to find a packet of cigarettes, mint-flavoured chewing gum, a wallet with a driver's licence identifying the unconscious man as Johan Asper, and two sets of keys, one of which was for the car. He placed the items on the parched earth by Johan's head and proeeded to remove the man's clothing. Johan's phone vibrated silently in Christiano's trouser pocket. He pulled it out to see the name, Frya, and the photo of a naturally tanned and smiling face with deep-set and intelligent eyes. He ignored the call, placed the phone on the ground, and removed his penknife and wallet from his own pockets. He placed them on the ground by the phone and began to undress. He rolled his clothes into a ball and tucked them beneath the nearest bush. He dressed in Johan's uniform and placed most of the items from the ground into his pockets, slotting Johan's phone into the top cavity of his blazer. With his penknife open and poised for use, he departed from the bushes and proceeded to slit the tyre of every car in the parking lot, but one.                                                                     _______________________________________________________     


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