CHAPTER  TWENTY  SEVEN                                                            ( PT.  1 ) - The afternoon sun made its last tribute to the day as the car journeyed back to Christiano's hometown. Enzo rubbed his bloodshot eyes while Ricardo concentrated on the his face. I knew I should have killed the priest, but that she went crazy and you stopped me. It would have taken me a few seconds to pump some rounds into the back of that truck. And what about the old man driving? He would have been a witness. Would you have killed him too? Listen to you. Enzo's face was contemptuous. As far as I'm concerned I made the right call. The police were fast approaching and we would have been caught. I would have shot them too. So Don Primo pulls a few strings. It wouldn't be the first time. Enzo rolled his eyes. Okay tough guy, next time you do it your way. I made a judgment call, and at the time it was the safest choice. Yeah, these safe choices seem to be happened a lot lately. What do you think that supposed to mean? Why do you think you are, talking to me like that? Ricardo shrugged and maintained his gaze on the road ahead. He did not see or anticipate Enzo's blatant slap across his cheek. The car veered to the opposite side of the road. An oncoming vehicle sped towards them. Its horn made a protracted sound as Ricardo gained control of the steering wheel. They missed each other by a hairsbreadth.                  _______________________________________________________ { PT.  2 } - Ricardo made an unceremonious stop on the side of the road and pulled his gun out, holding it to Enzo's head. You think you're so tough, old man? Enzo glared into his eyes. Pull the trigger, if you think you're a man. He pressed his forehead against the barrel. Then you'd better run, coz Don Primo and my wife, who happens to be his sister, will want to know why I'm dead. You won't ever stop running. Ricardo visibly gulped, bringing a smile to Enzo's face. And you'd better look down. Ricardo felt a dig in his side. His eyes wandered down to see Enzo's gun firmly planted in his rib cage.      CHRISTIANO TOOK HIS EYES off the road for a moment to glimpse Angelica sleeping peacefully by his side. He let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the road. His bruised face was finally relaxed and free from the anxieties that had consumed him over the past twenty-four hours. Johan's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and once again saw the photo of the mysterious Frya displayed on the screen as the phone continued to buzz. despite his curiosity, he was not about to answer the call. He turned the phone off and placed it in a hollow slot on the dashboard.                                          ENZO AND RICARDO ARRIVED ay the Abbadelli's home in the early evening. The street lamp just outside the door shone a wan but fiery illumination upon the red stone house, singling it out among the paler homes beside it. Spats of light fought through the gaps of the rose-pink drapes ornamenting the dining room window, and the sounds of rustling waves drifted like smoke to the top of the mountainside. It was a picturesque scene of idyllic bliss. Let's get this done.                                                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - Enzo's words sliced through the tranquillity with a sharp knife. They made their way to the house, and Enzo disguised his intent behind a gentle rap on the door. Inside, Rosa, Emilio and the children were having dinner. I'll go, said Emilio, rising from his seat. As he opened the door, Ricardo charged with the force of a herd of buffalo, knocking him to the floor. Enzo shut the door behind them, and Ricardo dragged Emilio by the scruff of his clothing through to the dining room. He pointed his gun at Emilio's head. Rosa screamed as the unimaginable unfolded before her. The children burst into tears and what followed was a chaotic medley of terror-filled cries bouncing off the walls and round the room. Enzo placed a firm hand over Rosa's mouth, frightening her into a silent sob. Her body visibly trembled. The children seemed to mimic her stifled howls and reduced their cries to a whimper. He leaned in close to her. We just want to know where he is. Who? said Emilio. Ricardo stamped on his face. Rosa made a muffled scream. Enzo gripped her mouth tighter and pulled her chin to her face. Terror-stricken eyes stared into his. You scream again, he dies. You understand me? She nodded, unable to stop her quivering. Now, I will ask again. Where's the priest and Angelica? He let go of her mouth. She shook her head. I don't know. Wrong answer, said Ricardo, kicking Emilio in the stomach repeatedly. Please, stop! He went after Angelica. Her choked words were filled with desperation and pleading. I haven't seen or heard from him since.                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - Ricardo left Emilio lying on the ground badly injured and barely conscious. Let's try this another way. He walked to Lissandra and pulled her in close to him. Such a cute little girl, what's her name? Rosa gulped. Please, she just a child. Enzo nudged her head. He asked you a question. Lissandra. And your name? asked Ricardo. Rosa. Okay, Rosa, if you want Lissandra to live... He displayed his gun. You'd better tell us where they are. The amplified sound of a cocking trigger rang through Rosa's ears. Her sodden face was distraught with tears. She's just a baby! Ricardo accepted her answer with a contemplative nod and proceeded to shoot Emilio in the leg. Rosa bounced up in her seat, screaming hysterically. Emilio curled up in silent agony, his mouth swollen shut from Ricardo's kicks. Enzo gripped her mouth. She gasped for breath, helplessly trying to reach out to the children. The next bullet will be for her, said Enzo pointing at Lissandra. Do you hear me? She nodded, her eyes wide with understanding. Satisfied, he removed his hand from her mouth. He was going to take her to our mountain cabin, She blurted. Where? said Enzo, reaching for a pad from his pocket. Write it down. He placed the pad and a pen on the table. She grasped the pen in her trembling hand. It's just as well I damaged the left hand, wasn't it? said Enzo leaning into her face as she wrote. She reeled away as she scrawled the information on the now tear-stained paper. There, that wasn't so hard was it? Enzo picked up the pad and wiped away the wetness before he gazed at the instructions. Now is this all true? Yes, I swear to you. It's the exact location. Enzo looked at Ricardo. Maybe we should take one of the children with us, he said.                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - No! All the information is true. I swear to God, to the Virgin Mary herself. She made the sign of the cross. Please, leave the babies alone. I'm sorry that won't be possible. said Ricardo pointing his gun at Lissandra's head. He cocked the trigger. The single gunshot resounded through the room. Ricardo's eyes were wide with madness as drops of blood ran from the single bullet hole in the centre of his forehead. He dropped to his knees and fell against the table. Lissandra screamed. Rosa's confounded gaze moved to Enzo. He casually placed his gun in its holster, all the while his eyes resting on hers. He motioned his head towards Lissandra. Rosa rushed to her side, feeling her face, her head and her body for injury. She sobbed with relief as she hugged her and cupped her angelic face in her hands. You watch nonno. okay. The little girl nodded bravely. Rosa guided her to Emilio's side and proceeded to remove a tea cloth from the table. You tie this here. She pointed to Emilio's leg, above his wound. Just like papa and nonno taught you to tie a rope.                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - You remember? Lissandra nodded, competently trying the cloth around her grandfather's leg. In the meantime, Enzo grasped Ricardo from beneath his armpits. Get out of town for a while. Until this blows over. He dragged him around Emilio's curled-up body to the front door and dropped him on the floor before returning to the dining room. Go somewhere where no one will know you. Understand? Rosa nodded with a look that was only too convinced of the ominous inferences in his words. Satisfied, he opened the front door, dragged Ricardo's body to the car and left without another word.                                                                                                      _______________________________________________________       


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