It was now mid-morning, and Christiano opened his eyes to shards of morning light spearing the dark hotel room as if desperate to burst through the drawn curtains. He swallowed the stale parchedness in his mouth. Every inch of his body throbbed in pain. His cushioned landing may have saved his life, but diving behind bushes and all-night driving and sleeping on sofa were not aiding in his recovery. Besides, it had been a while since he had practised any yoga. He raised himself from the sofa like a decrepit old man to find the bed ahead of him empty. Angelica? He looked round the room. Fear set in as a hollow silence lapped at his ears. He repeated her name but received no reply. A sudden bolt of adrenaline rushed through his veins. He bounded off the sofa just as the bathroom door opened. A concerned Angelica, wet and wrapped in a towel, looked towards him questioningly. He flopped back in his seat, and his short-lived relief was replaced with scorching cheeks as he averted his eyes to the ground. Angelica shielded her modesty behind the door. I'm sorry. I didn't see you when I awoke, said Christiano. I was half asleep and jumped to conclusions. It's okay, she said, quickly shutting the door. Christiano huffed, perplexedly rubbing his forehead with rigid fingers. He rose from the sofa and drew the curtains back. The sun devoured the wan light, revealing a messy room, which he proceeded to tidy. Several minutes later, the bathroom door opened and a dressed Angelica entered the room--her raven tresses glistening wet and tied in an unkempt bun, and her skin and eyes glowing with renewed vibrancy. She looked round the tidy room. Christiano grew self-conscious. A break. Tidying up...that is. His cheeks glowed.                                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - Most women would find it endearing. He smiled faintly. Look, I'm sorry about what just happened... It's fine. We're in a unique situation. There's likely to be some awkward moments. His face relaxed. Perhaps next time I will leave a note, she said. It's not my intention to make you feel like a prisoner. I understand. I'm not so reckless that I would leave the room without letting you know where I'm going. It's probably best we stick together at all times, he replied. Of course. You're right... Look, I want you to know how grateful I am of how much you've given up for me. That you rescued me. To be honest, I'm surprised Maria was so forthcoming. It was probably my clerical suit, he said, making light of the situation. It seems to have an effect on people. I have been forced to hear confession in the strangest places. She smiled with interest. And what was your most awkward location? It would have to be the old gentleman in the men's room. She chuckled.                                    _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - And what did Maria confess? expression betrayed him. Her smile faded. You know, don't you? I do. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your privacy. Do you know everything? He nodded. Yet you still have doubts. She told me you can't have children, yet you're pregnant. Would more proof really make a difference? He continued to stare without offering a reply. Right, well if you must know... Angelica fixed an intense gaze on him ... I became pregnant... She continued speaking impassively. Don Primo arranged a secret abortion for me. I caught an infection, which led to scarring and the result was two severely blocked tubes. The doctor informed me that I was infertile. Not even IVF would work. Anyway, what did that mean to a thirteen-year-old with no mother and father? Nothing! I'm sorry you endured such a horrendous ordeal... I can't imagine... But maybe this doctor was wrong about your infertility. After all... He pointed to her belly. Right, well, you're a man of the Bible. I'm sure a studious priest such a yourself will be familiar with LUKE  1:34 to 37. His eyes remained on her for a moment before he made a reluctant reply. I am . And I bet you can quote it right off the top of your head. I can. Bearing in mind that I did not leave the convent since my arrival more than a year ago, humour me, please. He swallowed the dryness in his mouth. Then Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I do not know a man? Angelica nodded. Please continue. And the angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. He stopped again. Please finish, Christiano.                                                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - For with God, nothing will be impossible. These last words were a mumble. He lowered his head in shame. You're a priest who does not believe in miracles. He raised his head to meet her eyes once more. He gulped, and his face wore the look of a scolded child. He sense of betrayal showed on her face as she stared at him unforgivingly. Then she said, As I have to report my every move to you, I'm going to get some food.                                                          THE WHITE MERCEDES CRUISED along the motorway with Vincenzo in front passenger seat next to Benito, and Alessandro and Don Primo in the back. The air was as cool as the atmosphere. A pensive Don Primo stared hypnotically at the splurge of images shooting past his window. His ringing phone brought him back to full alertness. Pronto! Mr. Pulsoni, thank you for that little bit of intel, said the Cardinal, getting straight to the point. My men are dealing with the situation and Johan will soon find himself in a disagreeable predicament. Have you made any progress? The matter is in hand. Do you have my money? I have a filled suitcase here waiting for you. I will instruct Sammel to text you my address for the delivery for our precious package.                                                      ANGELICA MUNCHED ON THE remnants of her pasta, washing it down with a glass of orange juice. Christiano watched her as he bit into his last triangle of pizza. The entire meal had been eaten in silence and Christiano was feeling guilty. Could we just start again? I'm sorry I offended you. I have no excuse other than feeling overwhelmed. You're a very brave woman and I have the utmost respect for you. I mean that. Despite what you know of me and the fact that you don't believe me? Because of what I know of you and despite what my head tells me. She made a faint smile that relaxed her frowning features. If I'm honest, I'm glad you're here.                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - The thought of facing this alone... She shook her head. I know it sounds far-fetched, and only a rare person of extra-ordinary character would stick with me through all this. He nodded, modestly, and his attention moved to the copy of II Cospiratore folded on the table. Why did you bring that with you? I came across an interesting article at the cabin, but with all the commotion I forgot to mention it. She unfolded the paper and pointed to the circled article close to the one about her. It states that over the past few years women have been disappearing from all over the world, and the one thing they have in common is that they all claim to have an Immaculate Conception. Christiano took the paper. A look of growing concern washed over his face as he read. You think the Cardinal is behind this? My gut feeling is that he is. My situation is not so different from these women and he came after me. But what are his reasons? Surely, he doesn't believe... His voice trailed off. Well clearly he does, otherwise, why is he after me? You're right. I'm sorry. But, if you're the one carrying the next Messiah, then these women were hoaxers. Yes, but, don't you see? He wasn't about to take any chances. I believe he's responsible for these disappearances and if it wasn't for Father Cavallo and yourself, I would be another one of his victims. Okay, let's say you're right. What do you think he does with them? Who knows? Maybe he has his scientists run tests on the mothers, or he waits for the babies to be born. What tests could possibly confirm that any of the babies were the next Messiah? said an exasperated Christiano.                                                                                            _______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - Angelica shrugged. For all we know he has the women killed. Killed? The man is clearly a sociopathy, she replied. If there's a reason for his madness he must be privy to some information and he is trying to gain control of the next Messiah or stop him from being born altogether. We've been waiting for the second coming for over two thousand years. It's not something the Church considers a threat. She raised her eyebrows. Are you so sure about that? Men like the Cardinal are sitting on a throne. As far as the faithful are concerned, they are the incarnation of God in the flesh. Whatever they say is God's word. God's wishes to the masses who must obey and follow for fear of His wrath. What if they don't want to relinquish their throne to the true Messiah? They stand to lose all their wealth, power, influence--everything. Not necessarily; the Messiah would more likely spread his word with the influence they already carry. What better way then to use the Church for this good? When my child arrives--the child of God--there will be a clean slate.  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  7 } - A new dawning. None of the old models will fit the new world. The Messiah needs no one to spread his word. Those seeking the truth will be drawn to him. Angelica...! She remained firm. I know it. It's part of me like a fact. I can't explain it. I think you're struggling with this because if you dare to believe me, then everything you have ever stood for will be a lie and you don't want to face it. I have devoted my entire life to the Church, to becoming a priest, and you come along and tell me that for all these years I have been wrong. When the Messiah first came to earth in human form, was he a Catholic? And Jesus said to Peter, the first Pope, I say tot you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, ahd the gates of hell will not overcome it. And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven, he quoted. Throughout history, the Church has attracted men of questionable character. If hell was not supposed to overcome it, why is it men like the Cardinal are able to abuse their power? You go too far, said Christiano.                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  8 } - I know that deep down in your heart you believe me, but your ego won't let you accept it. He leaned back in his chair, frustrated. Christiano, you have to face this. Sooner or later you will have to submit to belief or leave. You say the Church has been waiting for the new Messiah, yet you don't believe me. He looked down. Soon, it won't be enough for you to just be here. I have the Messiah growing inside me. Your belief is all that should keep you here. Anything else, whatever your reasons, will not be enough. Maybe your role was to get me to safety and that's all. Maybe we'll soon part ways. He looked at her, his eyes not wanting to hear any more. Time will tell. She motioned to stand, but he grabbed her hand, holding it gently down on the table. Please, don't! he muttered. His eyes pleaded. Sat sat back down, softening. I was raised a devout Catholic too, but something inside me is changing. It's like these lies are dispersing clouds and the truth is no longer obscured. I see these men for who they truly are. They are not men of God. I'm sorry Christiano. They are self-serving men who have succeeded in controlling the masses for hundred of years, and they have committed heinous atrocities. Do you deny this? What do you want me to say? You can't deny that much of the Vatican's vast wealth was built with Musolini's bribe money.                                                      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  9 } - Yet we all choose to ignore these facts and continue to believe in the Church. Christiano frowned. These heretical words will not sit well with God. And now you're putting words in God's mouth. Christiano leaned back shaking his head. The Cardinal is a dangerous man. He is full of narcissism and he lusts for nothing but wealth and power. He is after me to kill me or imprison me. You have seen this for yourself. Christinao sighed and made a subtle nod in a agreement. II Cospiratore head-quarters is in Rome. Maybe we should go and speak to this journalist. That would be a bad idea, replied Christiano. I have been tasked to watch over you. We need to find a safe place to hide. It's not our fight. My instincts are to get you and the baby to safety. We are not detectives. This is not about exposing the Cardinal, or the Vatican, however deep this conspiracy runs. Let's keep this simple, okay. I saw that piece of paper with all those questions. Why does it mention Rome followed by a question mark? Christiano took Johan's phone from his pocket and placed it on the table.                                                                                            _______________________________________________________  { PT.  10 } - Then he fished out the piece of paper and unfolded it. Out of curiosity, I turned the chauffeur's phone on today, as you slept, and there was a message for us by a woman named Frya. She claims that the chauffeur's work for the Cardinal is just a cover to find us, and she wants to help. Now complete strangers want to help us and you're still struggling to believe. He rolled his eyes and turned the phone on. There's a new message. Please trust us. We are your friends. Return the call so that we can talk. He showed Angelica the message. Do you think it's a trick? she asked. I don't know. The Cardinal could be behind this, but I have to admit, I'm curious. We have to move on anyways leave the phone here. Okay, let's call from our room, said Angelica. They made their way to their hotel room in silence, the anticipation creating an almost palpable atmosphere. Christinao placed the phone on the desk, hit the dial button and switched to loud-speaker. The phone was answered in one ring. I'm so glad you called, said an elated voice. Are you Frya? asked Christiano. Yes, and I'm here to help you both to safety. They glanced at each other with raised brows. What makes you think we need your help? Please believe us, Chrsitiano. Our family has been preparing for this task for over two thousand years.                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  11 } - Firstly, how do you know my name? And secondly, for what task has your family been preparing? Johan told us your names. As for our task, we are here to help the Messiah. Christiano looked up to meet with Angelica's astonished expression. Yoou bear a mark beneath your left eye. Am I correct? continued Frya. And what woul that mark be? asked Christiano. An equilateral cross in the form of a mole. He narrowed his eyes. Is our angel there? The one carrying the Messiah. This is a bad idea, said Chritiano, about to end the call. No. Please, Christiano. Give us a chance. I know it's a lot to take in, but we are genuine. Call us back. He ended the call. Can you believe this? he said to Angelica, just as the phone rang. He took a deep breath and answered the call. We can come and get you from wherever you are, said Frya keenly. For all we know, you're working for the Cardinal, said Christiano. How else would you know all this stuff? The Cardinal is an unholy man, but if it wasn't for him, we would never have found you. And how did you know he would lead you to us? It is written. We would love to tell you more, but we must show you. How many of you are there? asked Angelica. There are three of us Johan, who is nursing a bruised head, my father and me. It is wonderful to hear your voice, Angelica. Are you aware that you bear an identical mark to Christiano? Angelica sat up in her chair. If I describe it and you find it, will you believe us? Where is it? replied Chrsitiano.                                                                                              _______________________________________________________                                                                                 


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