Angelica awoke from a nightmare. Her chest heaved, and her usual olive-toned glow was more like porcelain. In her dream, Enzo had come to her, foam seeping from his mouth. He gasped for air as he told her not to worry, that he regretted nothing and he had made his peace with God. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to gather herself and make sense of the dream. She picked up the hotel phone unsure of what to do. Then she saw Christiano lying sound asleep on the sofa. An immediate sense of peace washed over her. She replaced the receive and decided to shrug it off as a bad dream. Instead, she rose from the bed and made her way to the window. Scatters of light streamed in through the curtain gaps.                                                  _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - She lifted the drapes and looked outside. It was a bright, crisp morning and for a second she imagined she was on holiday. She noticed the mobile phone on the dressing table, picked up the sheet of paper beneath it, and examined it. Johan--Cardinal's chauffeur undercover ( but for who? ) Who if Frya? Who does she work for? Why is she interested in us? Trust no one at the Vatican? Should we trust her? Rome? Don Primo--Cardinal connection? With a bemused look, she placed the sheet back on the desk.                                        DEEP IN THOUGHT, DON Primo sat in the back seat of his Mercedes as the car cruised its way to the restaurant. His phone rang, Pronto! ... Paolo, what do you have for me? A guttural voice sounded through the phone. One call and a text message were made to the priest's mother's cell phone. The call came from a Hotel Tramonto, and the text from a cell phone owned by a Johan Asper. Don Primo arched his eyebrows. Is that so? He made a warped smile. Can you access the text message?... If you can, yes. And text me the information on this hotel... Good work, Paolo. Excellent. You'll get a bonus for this. He ended the call and retrieved another number from his cell phone. A double beep signalled the arrival of a text message-- Paulo text with the hotel address. He smiled, but ignored it and tapped his finger against the Cardinal's name. He put the phone to his ear. Your Eminence, he mocked. Miles away in Rome, the Cardinal sat in a plush chair at his desk. Mr. Pulsoni, what a pleasant surprise. He picked up a pen and started a doodle on a blank notepad. Do you have news for me? I can deliver Angelica to you, but I want two million more.                                                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - Now, now, Mr. Pulsoni, Sammel already left you one million as a gesture of my goodwill. The deal was another million when you bring her to me. Now you're asking for two? I thought we had a deal. Your Eminence, do you trust the people in your employ? Implicitly. Why? Someone is not who he claims to be. How much would a name be wroth to you? The Cardinal narrowed his eyes. How did you come to possess this information? I have my sources. I think another million is a big ask, but I do value my privacy. Well I'm a reasonable man, how about I give you his name and one day you do me a favour? What kind of favour? replied the Cardinal. I have no idea, but I'll think of something. The Cardinal stopped doodling. He gripped the pen with rigid fingers and made the mark of a large X on the sheet. He stamped the centre of the letter--his hand trembling with rage. You have a deal Mr. Pulsoni. He smiled as he spoke, to disguise his animosity. Don Primo smirked. Your chauffeur, Johan Asper, is not who he seems. He dropped the pen and sat up in his seat. Johan! That's ludicrous. The man came to me with the highest recommendation, and he has been in my employ for three years. How did you come to this conclusion? Who is your source an what did he tell you? The priest has his cell phone. Well, as I understand it, that insolent man stole his clothing. It must have been in his pocket.  _______________________________________________________ { PT.  4 } - Really Mr. Pulsoni, is this all you have? Just ask your man Sammel what the chauffeur told him when asked him if the priest had stolen his phone. The Cardinal pressed at his desk. Sammel, come to my study. Yes, Your Eminence. The tinny voice sounded through the speaker. Moments later, Sammel entered the study and shut the door behind him. Sammel, did you ask Johan if the priest had stolen his phone? I did, Your Eminence. Why did you ask him that particular question? I thought that if he had there might be a way to trace it and find the woman and the priest. I see. The Cardinal nodded. And what was his reply. He told me that he had left it at home that day. Don Primo heard his reply down the phone. A satisfied grin dimpled his cheeks. And you are certain he was not mistaken? His own words were, No, I accidentally left it at home. But, Your Eminence, I was sure I saw him with it that very morning. Then, just yesterday, he informed me of a change of telephone number, claiming he had found a better tariff. The Cardinal's eyes formed slits. And you do not think this is a coincidence? It's possible Your Eminence, but all too convenient. I believe he is lying. And did you intend to inform me of your suspicions? To be honest, Your Eminence, your questioning had confirmed my doubts.                        _______________________________________________________ { PT.  5 } - The Cardinal returned to the phone. Mr. Pulsoni, you may be correct after all. If so, you shall have your favour. Oh, I am correct, Your Eminence. He stressed the last two words, smiled and ended the call. The Cardinal turned to Sammel. As soon as we have the girl in our possession, I want you to kill Pulsoni and his men. Is that clear? Sammel nodded. Crystal, Your Eminence.                          THE MERCEDES OULLED INTO the car park, and Don Primo entered the restaurant to be greeted at the door by Vincenzo and Alessandro. Did you get rid of the body? Yes, Boss, said Vincenzo. I told my sister that he and Ricardo never came home last night. She thinks I've sent out a search party. The pigs had a feast, Boss, said Alessandro with a snicker. Don Primo shot him an icy stare. Alessandro gulped. You two are going on a little trip with Benito and me. said Don Primo. He looked at the text message sent by Paolo. As expected, the address of Hotel Tramonto was on his phone. Make sure you're armed. This time I want the priest dead and Angelica in my possession.                                                                                    _______________________________________________________           


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