{ PT.  1 } - Age-old trees of oak, beech and poplar soared high above Enzo's car as he sat with adrenaline-fused eyes, chewing gum and staring into oblivion. A breathtaking sight of a red-orange hue filtered through the branches and the dawn had set the sky on fire, but his only concern was how the hick he was going to get himself out of this one. He was growing too old for a life that left a bad taste in his mouth and an ever -mounting body count. He wanted nothing more than to retire. The phone rang, waking his from his stupor. The caller ID flashed with Don Primo's name. He took a deep breath, braced himself, and answered the call. Boss. What happened at the house? I didn't hear from either of you. We didn't want to wake you. We were driving all night to get to this cabin where the priest's mother told us he would be. You're there now? We just got here. What happened back at the house? The message was delivered and received. Who was there? Just the priest's mother and father. Good. You can go back another time and deliver another message to his brother and his family.                                                                          _______________________________________________________  { PT.  2 } - Now, how are you approaching the cabin? Ricardo wants to steam in like a bull in a china shop. That's not a good idea. Let me speak to him. I don't want any screw-ups. If it comes from me, he'll listen. Ah... Okay, you give him my explicit warning not to mess this up. Sure thing Boss, as soon as he gets back to the car. And you leave our approach to me. I got this. You'd better because this time I won't be so forgiving. The line went dead. Enzo tossed the phone on the passenger seat with a look that was drowning in its own faeces, cupped his face in his hands and rested against the steering wheel. The horn let out a blast. His head snapped up. The silence rippled towards him. He stepped out of the car, went directly to the boot and opened it to see the lifeless body of Ricardo slumped in the back. The small hole in his head stood out like a third eye. You crazy, he slammed it shut. He locked the car and made his way into the forest on foot, meandering through the landmark Rosa had mentioned. The fresh air injected life into his blood. He felt light and furrlled with long lost vigour. He wondered what his wife would think of moving to the mountains. He longed for them to be as far away from Don Primo as was physically possible. He reached the cabin and found Christiano's car shielded behind rows of poplar. He hid behind some trees and surveyed the Chalet.                                                              _______________________________________________________  { PT.  3 } - Rays of sunlight warmed the log walls of the lone cabin as daylight took its hold on the day. Enzo watched for a few moments until he was sure there were no sign of movement. He cautiously stepped forward, scrambled for the nearest window, and peered inside. The sofa opposite was piled with unkempt sheets. As he ran his eyes round the rest of the room, he felt cold hard metal press against the side of his head. He gulped, his eyes wide as he raised his hands in the air. Take it easy, he said, slowly turning his head. The rifle met with his forehead. He found himself staring down the barrel at one of Christiano's vibrant blue eyes, glaring back at him like a viper. I'm a friend. friends do not kidnap their friends. I had to go along with it. Ask Angelica. I'm the one who helped her escape with Fortuna. Christiano held firm, his gaze unflinching. Look, I, ah. . . saw you... in the car park slashing those tyres and I said nothing. I was trying to find a way to get Angelica out of trouble, and I was praying to God, and there you were... It was like he answered my prayers. Angelica strolled out of her bedroom and looked towards the sofa for Christiano. Instead, she saw Enzo through the window; a shotgun pressed to his head. She drew back in shock and ran outside calling, No! He's a friend. She reached Christiano's side and placed her hand on his shoulder. He can't be trusted, and Christiano, holding firm. Yes, he can. He has to act the part in front of Don Primo. She gently pushed the barrel away from Enzo's head.                                                                                        _______________________________________________________  { PT.  4 } - Christiano let the shotgun drop to his side while Angelica proceeded to wrap Enzo in a mammoth embrace. Enzo turned the hug, lifting her in the air. You can talk now, hey. You nearly shocked me to death when you yelled in the car. Where did that come from? He rubbed her cheek like a loving uncle. Christiano walked away, glaring at Enzo as he disappeared into the cabin. Come inside, said Angelica, running her arm through his. They entered the cabin, and she gestured for him to sit down while she took the seat next to him. Why didn't you warn me that you were coming for me? Don't forget I had no idea where you were. I found a way into the convent to check if it was you, but I was caught. Christiano stood at the stove, heating the coffee boiler. That's true. Father Cavallo and I caught him. Then at the market. I was hoping you'd get away if I showed myself to you. It was difficult because Ricardo was with me all the time. Where is he now? asked Angelica. Well...ah... He turned to Christiano. Look, my friend, you're not going to like this, but... A look of red dread crossed Christiano's face. Look, said Enzo, his guilty eyes on Christiano. You have to go somewhere where no one will know where you are. This place was always a risk because it's traceable. Anyway, that's how I found you here. You went to my parents home, didn't you? said Christiano in a whisper. His fists gripped at his sides and his jaw was as tight as a clmashell. Enzo raised his hands in the air, his palms facing Christiano in submission. They're okay. It got heavy un there. I needed to act the part of get answers.                                                                                                _______________________________________________________  { PT.  5 } - They wouldn't have believed I was on your side. What did you do? said Chairtiano, making a menacing move towards him. Enzo's solemn face spoke volumes. He stood up as Christiano reached him. Look, I was never going to let it go too far. He grabbed him by the collar. Easy! said Enzo pulling out his gun. Angelica shot up from her seat. Chrisriano! Please. Enzo! He pushed Enzo to the wall and lifted him up, surprising him with his strength. Did you hurt them? The children? No, the children are fine. Rosa is fine. Ricardo roughed up your father a little and shot him in the leg. Christiano gripped Enzo by the throat. I'm warning you, he said in a cocked his gun. Christiano, please, said Angelica. I shot Ricardo, said Enzo. He was going to kill them all. Even the children. I had to kill him. He was out of control. He's in the boot of my car. Chrsitiano's stern expression melted away. He let him go. Enzo straightened himself up and put his gun away. You're one tough priest, he said, rubbing his neck. Where are they now? asked Christiano. I don't know. I told them to get as far away as possible. Don't worry, your father will live. It was just a leg wound. He'd better be okay. Christiano, I'm so sorry, said Angelica. She placed her hand on his shoulder.                    ______________________________________________________  { PT.  6 } - He shrugged it off and moved away from her. his moistened eyes stared at the ground. It's not safe for you here, said Enzo. This was supposed to be our hideout. Chrisriano punched a mirror hanging on the wall. The glass shattered, sprinkling glass fragments to the floor. He pulled away without as much as a wince though his knuckles were bleeding. Angelica rushed to his aid. He pulled away and retrieved a towel, which he proceeded to wrap around his hand. She turned back to Enzo, hiding her hurt. What are going to do? You've risked your life for me. Christiano could do little to disguise the look of betrayal on his face. I will tell him that when we got to the woods, Christiano was out hunting and caught us and that Ricardo was shot and killed. So not only am I being accused of hunting innocent animals, you're going to tell Don Primo that I killed Ricardo, said a confounded Christiano. Once you two have left, the trail will go cold. He'll never find you. Angelica shook her head. I don't know, he's very resourceful. I'll keep him off track. I just need help with one thing. What? asked Christiano. I need you to help me bury the body. i may not be a priest anymore, but I still have the same ethics and morals, whether the Church accepts me or not. Hey, I'm on your side. I saved your family. He would have killed them all.                                                                                                      _______________________________________________________  { PT.  7 } - So now I owe you? This is not for me. I'm trying to save Angelica and your baby. Angelica and Christiano looked at each other but said noting. His body needs to be buried somewhere it will never be found. A deep grave. You know these parts better then I do. Christiano took a deep breath and rubbed his pulsing temple. Okay. I'll do it. Thank you, said Enzo. And after that, you're going to have  to knock me out. Christiano shot him an, are you serious look. Sorry, my friend. It had to look authentic.                                                            ENZO SHOVELLED THE LAST mound of mud over Riccardo's grave, patted the surface and smoothed it over. Chrisiano had chosen a valley strewn with wild flowers and a small stream. He had dug up some overgrown bushes and thickets that had hijacked an entire area and buried the body deep in the soil. With a look showing he could stand no more of this, Christiano proceeded to arrange the weeds and plants back over the spot, which was now Ricardo's eternal resting place, doing well to conceal its appearance. I don't suppose you could say a few word, could you father? I didn't like him much, but I never thought I'd be forced to kill him. Christiano sighed. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. In nomine Patris et Fili et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Enzo stared at the ground and made the sign of the cross, repeating, Amen. Then he looked up at Christiano. Thank you, Father. Christiano returned a hardened stare and walked away. Enzo gazed at the unmarked grave for a few moments longer before heading back, wisely following a few steps behind Christiano. Inside the cabin, Angelica was closing the last suitcase, having re-bagged the camping equipment and the rest of their items.                                                                                                           ___________________________________________________________________________________{ PT.  8 } - Christiano entered looking somber. Thank you for doing this, she said. I know it was hard for you. That it goes against your principles--Think nothing of it, he interrupted. I have made my peace with it. Angelica was crstfallen. She felt helpless and guilty. Enzo entered. Right, are you ready to leave? Yes. We just need to get this stuff to the car, she said, lifting a couple of bags from the floor. You rest, we'll do it, said Christiano, trying tot take them out of her hand. She pulled away, defiantly. I'm pregnant, not an invalid. She stared at him for several seconds, now angry at feeling so indebted to him, and marched past him, towards the car. Christiano watched her, appearing shocked at her outburst. You don't know much about women do you Father? Enzo chuckled as he picked up a few bags and followed her to the car. With the luggage all packed, the three of them stood in suffocating silence in the cabin. Enzo finally spoke, You're going to have to knock me out? Is that really necessary? said Christiano. It must be done. Don Primo will never believe him otherwise, said Angelica. How will we know if you're okay when you come to? said Christiano. What if you need medical attention? Enzo snickered. Be a man! Come on hit me. He slapped his own face and punched at his own chest. Christiano clenched his fists. Come on, pretty boy. Christiano's fists smashed into Enzo's eye, followed by an uppercut to the bottom of his chin. Enzo hit the ground with a thud. How's that? he said to an unconscious Enzo. He turned to Angelica whose mouth was agape. I've made sure he has a good black eye to show for it. Come on, let's go.                                          _______________________________________________________                           


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